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Basic requirements to comply with Hunting ban law

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Exempt Hunting, taken from Countryside alliance updated handbook.


Exempt hunting activity under the Hunting Act might include:


a. The use of 2 dogs to flush a wild mammal to be shot by a competent person if the purpose is to protect livestock or its food, game birds, crops, growing timber, fisheries, the biological diversity of an area or obtaining meat to be used for human or animal consumption.


b. The use of 1 dog below ground to prevent damage to game birds that are being preserved for shooting. The wild mammal should be bolted and shot by a competent person. DEFRA has intimated that the wild mammal may be bolted into a net, or may be shot in the hole provided that the terrier has first been removed – however a Court’s interpretation of the Hunting Act may differ.


c. The hunting of rats and rabbits.


d. The hunting of a hare that has been shot. There is no limit on the number of dogs or guidance on either how shot the hare has to be or what it has been shot with.


Question for all you gun experts, and hopefully will shed some light to us Terrier men, Lurcher owners etc...


Paragraph a, I'm guessing a shotgun is required. What is the minimum requirement?


Paragraph B. Is a handgun to shoot at close quarters sufficient, or do you have to have a shotgun? To fall into the legal requirement what license would the average terrier men need say if they were only working earths, using nets etc


Paragraph D. for the lurcher owners it doesn't exactly say what the hare has been shot with......?? There is no limit on the number of dogs or guidance on either how shot the hare has to be or what it has been shot with. :icon_eek:


Will a shotgun license cover all of the above ? What's the easiest and quickest route to get a license?



as an add on: other hunting activities that are exempt from the law are


e. The use of an unlimited number of dogs to flush a wild mammal so as to enable a bird of prey to hunt it. There is no need for the wild mammal to be killed and no guidance on the type of bird of prey necessary per species.


f. The rescue of a wild mammal which the hunter reasonably believes is or may be injured.:whistle:


g. The use of 2 dogs to hunt a wild mammal for the purposes of observation and study.:whistle:

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AFAIK - and this comes from my knowledgable terrier owning neighbour - the min requirement is a 'humane killer' - basically a bolt firing gun that uses blanks. When you net the fox you finish the job off with one of these (and a rod into the spine - a posser? - not sure about this bit though) - as its a blank firer no licence is required to carry. think he purchased his from a gunshop in Preston off new hall lane.


hope this is of some use bud





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Exempt Hunting, taken from Countryside alliance updated handbook.


Exempt hunting activity under the Hunting Act might include:


d. The hunting of a hare that has been shot. There is no limit on the number of dogs or guidance on either how shot the hare has to be or what it has been shot with.

g. The use of 2 dogs to hunt a wild mammal for the purposes of observation and study.:whistle:

Righto, lads 'n' lasses. Out with the black widow catapults and binoculars :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :ph34r: :ph34r: :rolleyes::angel: :whistle:

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