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1998 Double Cab Hilux For Sale

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Decided to sell my Toyota Hilux lads. Its one S Reg. Its a metallic blue double cab and comes with a white canopy back. Its done around 127,000 Miles. Its got mot from last month.

The only problem I can see is this, the driver seat has a rip in it. And also when driving it can be sticky putting it into 1st, I have spoken to my mechanic and he reckons will need replacing eventually however its not urgent. But with this in mind I will knock the cost of it which is around 500 notes.


Any good or anyone will take a sensible offer its a bloody good truck and been brilliant. Im just downsizing thats all. Been honest as I can. I do have photos could whats app them etc. Cant figure out how to upload them without photochcket.

Pm with offers etc.

Edited by Wild-Bill
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