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like to go ferreting

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hi id like to meet up with sum one to go ferreting with i went about 3years ago with sum one and really enjoyed it i got myself 15-20 nets last year but didnt do any iv got a little jill i can use but nothen else im from stourbridge i drive wud anyone like to meet to show me the ropes

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  • 8 months later...
hi id like to meet up with sum one to go ferreting with i went about 3years ago with sum one and really enjoyed it i got myself 15-20 nets last year but didnt do any iv got a little jill i can use but nothen else im from stourbridge i drive wud anyone like to meet to show me the ropes

Hi billy,cant help you with the ferreting,but I know a man from Stourbridge that goes with dogs,he might take you.Have you got any interest in working terriers?I'm from Stourbridge and never worked my terrier and dont know much about it.Gaz

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