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Hello, I bought a nice but worn .177 TX200 some months ago.

I am well happy with it but I wondered which version it is.


It is housed in a MK3 stock but has a different muzzle.

You can ignore the grip as that is a later fit.

Can anyone advise?


The serial number is 0781??


Thank you



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Looks like a mk2


the mk3 has 3 notches in the bear trap so it makes three clicks when cocked


the mk2 only has two so 2 clicks


some thing like that lol


some one will be along soon if im wrong :yes::laugh:


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Mk2 me old China like the knowledge above has said :)


The 3 has 3 small horizontal ridges on the underlever catch housing, the mk1 obvs had muzzle weight or whatever at the end on the muzzellll :)

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Maybe this is a crossover model, or has been made up from other models.


The bloke I got it from said the original owner was big in HFT


It shoots really well. It has an aluminium trigger which I think spoils it a bit but other than a (too long) adjusting screw that catches my finger, it is really crisp and predictable so I am putting off changing it.





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I think this is a MkIII TX200 as currently available, with a non-factory standard Bisley butt-pad and a TX200HC-style cocking lever handle and ball-detent latch up. A much better unit than the one fitted, or at least, used to be fitted to the TX200 rifle as standard.. :hmm:


The Mk.II had a slightly different butt-stock profile that carried on from the Mk.I which had a similar barrel and underlever-arrangement and had a similar profile-appearance to the HW97K. Slender, unshrouded barrel and underlever with a muzzleweight latch-up device. The Mk.I forend was rather different too, with a stepped section forward of the trigger and shallower forend profile. I think it was abit of a compromise to give you a sort of 'Hamster' palm rest, rather than a conventionally simple ramped forend tapering from the trigger guard..


The stock is the current version with an elegantly contour-tapered forend and fish-scale chequering panels, after the boxier-looking, previous version of the Mk.III stock (I've had two of these) was a simpler, but practical affair with diamond cut chequer panels and a straight-ramped forend. The earlier Mk.III also featured a ribbed ball-detent block which was inadequately fitted with a stud and cemented into place, which after a while of use, annoyingly kept coming off when you cocked it. The butt-pad looks like the usual Bisley job and cocking the lever grip-handle in the photos is not a standard part-fit for TX200 rifle versions but, is the type of handle-grip on the shorter TX200HC cocking underlever.

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Enjoy it for many a good day PeskyWabbits.

By George you are ugly Sir the Rude man said. Yes Sir that my be so, but I am all that I am and have and ever will be, I am fine with looking at myself in the mirror.

Final last words of Rabbit poking it's head up, HERE Lads Look at That Rifle, lights out close the door.

All the very best mate, hope all is well

Edited by just-A-snap
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