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fac cert

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Congrats mate on the FAC.

Is getting a FAC for a airifle any different from a bullet gun say a .22 rimfire?or is it the same as?.

Do you need a certain acreage of land?

And are they less strict about airpowered weapons?.


Just wandering i am thinking of going for a FAC for a airrifle just wondering what things the FLO needs to know :thumbs:

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the land part of it seemed just the same as a normat rim or centrefire type only difference is the storage of ammunition and the amount.obviously in the case of the air rifle it was unlimited.the only thing i would say is that me and my mate who shoots with me applied for our fac at the same timebut we live in different counties even though only 25 miles apart and both shoot on my permission,is that the firearm officers were both interested in different gun cabinet and key arrangements as both cabinets are at my house.also one said you had to specifiy that you wanted to use a sound moderator and the other did not.regards lone wolf

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