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Can someone please give me some information about Mr Wheeler? I have a patterdale Nuttel and Wheeler cross. You hear alot about Mr Nuttel but hardly anything about Mr Wheeler. Maybe some members with wheeler dogs or crosses can put some pics up of their dogs. Here is mine. He is 2 and half now and game as they come.


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Yes i think so too mate. He has sliced his paw at the mo digging out rats. It doesnt justify going to the vets but he is limping abit. Anyone know of anything that will help him heal quicker.


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I have to admit friend that i dont work him as often to ground as you probably work your Patt. He has killed twice now but while out with me and my boy. Once in a drainage pipe and once in some brambles. He is very aggressive when on to something, what ever it is doesnt live long at all. I take him ratting alot and he loves that. We used to live in a big house in the country in Germany and he often caught in the garden. He has killed squirrels, 2 snakes that he found, rats, nearly got a pine Martain that was trying to kill song birds in the garden that had a very lucky escape. He will basically try and hunt anything. His parents were so im told very good workers. He was bred by a man called Craig Smith from the Mansfield area. I use him more for bushing when out with the gun. He has a really good noise on him which i dont hear people comment on much on this forum. He really hates cats and German Shepherds and has dealt with both on more that one occassion. Ill try the meths on his paws when it has healed thanks.

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