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RIP Suzie

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Why do the lads need one?

ive seen them used but never used one, always scruffed and tailed it


the lad i'm trying to educate allmost bought a bull x on a hunting forum , the dog was hardly marked around the face and was by no means a "draw dog " .......... so i thought it a good idea for him to see for himself what other peoples opinions are ........ bbb thanks for the above comment :thumbs:


We use a first x bull grey. dont know her exact height but she is short. she is game as hell n fit to draw anything. ive seen good bull x's with plenty of marks but she is really cute, she very seldom gets caught. if you came to see her in her kennel you wouldnt be interested but in the field is a different story. I agree with you whole hearted about buying a 3 or 4 year old with no signs of marking as a draw dog because if a lad had a good worker that had brains as well as braun he wouldnt be selling her in the local paper.


Last quote about Suzie


We lost our top bitch Suzie last night. We have built new kennels recently but made a vital mistake. There was a slight gap, 1/2 inch, no more than that between the wall and the gate on the hinge side. They have been in the kennels a month with no probs. But she came to heat n got out into the front of the kennels, when she tried to jump back into her own box her leg at the hock slid into the gap....... i'll leave the rest to you. Absolutley gutted, goin up to make sure it doesn't happen again now. Just a word to everyone to check theirs. We have a 8 month old pup from her to get started, heres hoping he's a chip off the old block

Edited by jaykay
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