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Vote Tory To Deliver Brexit

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The long and the short of it is, May and all the rest of them dont want it to end. There has not been any serious negotiation about leaving, it's all been stalling while they work out how to f**k you

I thought Article 50 meant even if no agreement was made, our membership automatically expired in 2 years. (Extended to 2 years 9 months by taking so long to trigger it.) It never meant the process sh

I'll tell you, but keep it to yourself..........I ended up marrying my brothers wife's younger sister 20 odd years after they got married. My wife just happened to work for the European Commission in

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I have come to the same conclusion as some and will not bother to vote again whats the fekin point its bad enough with muppets in my town still voting labour with whats gone off then the torys (which I did not vote for)are taking us that voted leave for mugs we just carnt win.

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The only negotiations the goverment did after we voted to leave was how to over rule the nations vote.

They didn't think it would happen. Boris and the other ones leading brexit other than farage didn't even actually want to leave imo . only used that as a power grab cosy up to the leave voters to win votes.


Even now they haven't a clue how to move on this yet again more interested in consolidating there own positions and jobs than the will of the people.

made a mockery of the people and more importantly pissed all over democracy in this country.


The tories have always been elitist c**ts devoid of any compassion or care about the ordinary man but this is just a whole new level of "f**k the peasants".


it wont happen but everyone regardless of political persuasion should never vote again . A mass stance is what is needed. Not sure what maybe refuse to pay council tax or some other goverment tax im sure social media would get that gathering momentum? As said that might not be the best example but something to make them sit up and think "wow there seriously pissed off with us".

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But if the turnout was very, very, very low they would obviously be a government operating on no mandate except from a very small percentage.

Yes the result would stand but it would weaken them on a national and global stage......it would be a start.

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I could never get excited about the referendum. It doesn't matter to me who makes the decisions,Westminster or Brussels, ordinary Joe will always get screwed because neither of those places represent our interests. They represent big business.

I could not excited about immigration either. Immigrant labour will still enter the country, but instead of full citizenship, immigrants will be given two or three year visas and they will have less rights. Not good for anybody. No new houses will be built to address the problem of chronic home shortages, no new investment will be made in education or health to deal with the historical influx of EU immigration.Brits will continue to scapegoat foreigners. Big business scores again.It keeps the workers falling out amongst themselves over scarce resources.

To be honest I don't buy this little England, anally retentive view either. Personally I like the idea of borderless nations and increased cooperation within the EU or anywhere else for that matter. That doesn't make me an apologist for everything that goes wrong with multiculturalism. (Just give me a lump hammer and line up the Rochdale, Rotherham paedophiles to be castrated and I would demonstrate my commitment to child protection. In any case that particular group of vermin did not originate from the EU.)

So I guess my position is : we all got screwed, no change there then.

Edited by jukel123
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I think the brexit vote was just a put up or shut up ploy by Cameron,and he got royalty f****d.

Non of the parties honestly thought it would happen ,and I think Boris wasn't that serious about it either.

I am starting to wonder if being run Brussels is any worse than the Tories or labour having sole control though after recent events

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He exhorts people not to just wait passively for an opportunity to vote for justice, because voting for justice is as ineffective as wishing for justice; what you need to do is to actually be just. This is not to say that you have an obligation to devote your life to fighting for justice, but you do have an obligation not to commit injustice and not to give injustice your practical support.


Paying taxes is one way in which otherwise well-meaning people collaborate in injustice. People who proclaim that the war in Mexico is wrong and that it is wrong to enforce slavery contradict themselves if they fund both things by paying taxes. Thoreau points out that the same people who applaud soldiers for refusing to fight an unjust war are not themselves willing to refuse to fund the government that started the war.

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They would probaly bring in legislation that its compulsory to vote. Guess you could just write "f**k you". Sad state of affairs when we fought to get a vote the c**ts have sickened us from doing so.


It would be better to just to mark the ballot paper incorrectly as our voting system is not secret. Your electoral roll number is recorded against the numbered counterfoil of your numbered voting slip. I questioned this the first time I ever voted and I have questioned it several times since. The official response is that it is a secret ballot, the numbers are to prevent electoral fraud and the counterfoils can only be matched with the voting slips by a court order. Pah!

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But surely if only a few hundred in each parlimentary constituency voted the result would still stand, I cant ever remember reading about a minimum percentage turnout

Don't vote.... Corbyn wins then we really will have problems and something to complain about


Labour have a following where it doesn't matter what they do they will vote regardless

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