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Dodgy Saluki Temperament.

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I've an idea. :hmm: Why don't Saluki breeders take into account temperament when breeding? If you pair two selectively deaf,Saluki types which show no interest in bonding with their owners, then, chances are. the pups are going to be similar in temperament. Surely the opposite is true. Some Saluki types bond and respond in the same way as general lurchers and are more likely to throw trainable, tractable pups.

I'm not saying working ability shouldn't be the main criterion when breeding. Just suggesting that Salukis aren't followed on camel or jeep in this country and we need them to come back! Even fox temperament can be manipulated within a couple of generations to become submissive and human oriented. Why not Salukis?

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That is such a naive statement.Ill defy the most gifted of folk that have spent a year or two in the game,especially those that have owned and honed Collie and Saluki infused runners,to state with hon

Its strange the lads I run Salukis with and my own dogs never give problems with recall or returning after a run this is not by luck or by accident ,many folk can keep lurchers not all folk have the s

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All animals have quirks, you sort of know what you could be getting into before you get the thing so why worry.

You will get what you get and work around/with/to the animals character.


Don't worry about it.

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  On 21/09/2017 at 09:56, desertbred said:

Its strange the lads I run Salukis with and my own dogs never give problems with recall or returning after a run this is not by luck or by accident ,many folk can keep lurchers not all folk have the skill or temperament to keep salukis.

Maybe that's the problem in a nutshell. But others who have had no problem with non =saluki types report major difficulties with them.

I would love to have a Saluki mix but I'm always put off by stories of 'deafness', disobedience and poor bonding. Apart from my first lurcher, which I ruined by inexperience, I've never had a problem with recall but I am still reluctant to throw caution to the wind. Not every owner of a recalcitrant saluki is an idiot. Selective breeding taking temperament into account would surely help?

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  On 21/09/2017 at 10:34, jukel123 said:


  On 21/09/2017 at 09:56, desertbred said:


Its strange the lads I run Salukis with and my own dogs never give problems with recall or returning after a run this is not by luck or by accident ,many folk can keep lurchers not all folk have the skill or temperament to keep salukis.

Maybe that's the problem in a nutshell. But others who have had no problem with non =saluki types report major difficulties with them.

I would love to have a Saluki mix but I'm always put off by stories of 'deafness', disobedience and poor bonding. Apart from my first lurcher, which I ruined by inexperience, I've never had a problem with recall but I am still reluctant to throw caution to the wind. Not every owner of a recalcitrant saluki is an idiot. Selective breeding taking temperament into account would surely help?

This is what has happened to me. I've never had issues with any of my dogs before. Got this nob and it's a stress everyday. To be clear here, bonding isn't the issue. This fecker will scream and whine his bollocks off if he's unable to see me but knows I should be there; I.e. if I go for a piss when we are in a bar/terrace. He can be with my Mrs or daughter and still sound off. In the park, he will decide if he's going to obey the heel command. Which rightly pisses me off.... I'm going to fry the cnut one day with a home made shock collar, made with an old TV capacitor for the charge :laugh: Edited by mushroom
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  On 21/09/2017 at 10:18, Joe777 said:

Same can be said of collies and bull crosses


true :thumbs: , but at least the xs above (want) to please you, had both collie xs and bull xs , and never had recall or any other major probs . Dont get me wrong the manic temp of most colliexs does piss me of alot, the bullxs were ok regards there temp, just lacked bit of stamina for me, but good x . the thing that always comes over to with these saluki and salukixs posts, the dogs are really working for there selves, and not with you . i can see benefit of drop of saluki in a lurcher for good recovery, but same with drop of collie to please you or drop of pit , for bit guts . suppose it just getting the right balance with any type lurcher , ive got 1xs but thats just the start of any lurcher line , out crossed to another lurcher = lurcher x lurcher is the way forward regards hunting dog. this not wanting to please its owner , and do it own thing, well you may well walk round with a gun then , not for me .!!

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I'm with jukel123 on this one. I know there are all different crosses/types which have 'bossed' their owners, but you hear of this sort of thing very frequently with salukis and saluki crosses. And as jukel123 suggests, breeding from more trainable/obedient dogs is surely going to be beneficial

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Years ago we were told it was their narrow heads an small brains ,but there's fellas on here work them to hawk,ferret etc

Maybe people are to obsessed with one trick ponies running 3/3 hares an not all round skills bit like comparing a trials sheepdog with a collie that WORKS sheep ,cattle,and poultry on a working farm?

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  On 21/09/2017 at 16:18, Daniel cain said:

Best thing for a saluki is one to the back of the head... Get a good un and some cnut will only pinch it anyway... To much money and jealousy involved with them imo. Would never have another, not so long as I got a hole in my arse. Atb dc

what a negative outlook Daniel Cain :laugh: I thought youd be one for a challenge lol,,,im after getting another of late ,but i wont be asking as much from my dogs as before, a bit of rambling ,a bit of whatever gets up and hope we have some fun....my 1st x is almost 9 years old now,and we had some fun over the years,,never pushed to the limit,but thats cause i dont have a limit,hes been a very obedient dog,caught plenty of everything and im not worried my new comers are all saluki saturated ,lets hope it all goes smoothly :icon_redface:

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The death of any working dog is the introduction of friendliness, the further away you beeed from purpose , the more kinks you throw into the works


A well worked dog will align with its owner if he knows what's he's about, rearing right and working well promote social behaviour, it's how evolution works

Edited by Casso
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  On 21/09/2017 at 09:56, desertbred said:

Its strange the lads I run Salukis with and my own dogs never give problems with recall or returning after a run this is not by luck or by accident ,many folk can keep lurchers not all folk have the skill or temperament to keep salukis.

So you are basically stating neither you nor your muckers have ever encountered a problem with the Saluki,s in the field,behave.

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