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10 Years Or £10 Million

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As a 63 year old heavy smoker I'd take the time. Anyone who says they'd have the money isn't yet at the stage where they can see the end coming up, I reckon I've probably got 10 years max where I can

10 years,you can make money,time is the most precious commodity money cant buy.

.         Or cocaine.

its difficult to say. but at the stage in life i am at now i would probably take the 10 million so as i could leave my children in a much better position than ive ever been in.


if you asked me the same question in 10 years time the answer could be different lifes a strange old thing at times.

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As a 63 year old heavy smoker I'd take the time. Anyone who says they'd have the money isn't yet at the stage where they can see the end coming up,

I reckon I've probably got 10 years max where I can walk the dogs and do a bit of ferreting etc, I'm going to make the most of it.

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The £10 mil ..65 now I'd try my best to do the whole ten mil ..not worried about the kids they both have top jobs there own houses and compared to were I was at there age they are twenty years in front ..I'd like to do the last ten years , if I've that long, doing every thing I couldn't afford to do in the previous forty ..?

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10 million! I can't make anything like that kind of money and it would make the rest of my life brilliant! Giving me another ten years is great but I'm still f***ing hard up. LOl

10 million at your age & single........oh my god! I'd take that in a heart beat.....haha

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As a 63 year old heavy smoker I'd take the time. Anyone who says they'd have the money isn't yet at the stage where they can see the end coming up,

I reckon I've probably got 10 years max where I can walk the dogs and do a bit of ferreting etc, I'm going to make the most of it.

Don't try to palm that big hairy lump off on me if you go belly up next week. I couldn't afford the food bill once he's eaten Alf & Fred! Lol
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