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looking to get into gamekeeping eventually in north east can anyone help??

Guest manda

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hello guys i really like the idea of becoming a gamekeeper obviously i would have to start with beating, picking up etc i have been looking at college courses and have applied for nvq level 2 to start with so any help would be greatly appreciated i.e any beating jobs etc in the north east thanks in advance scott :thumbs:

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  manda said:
hello guys i really like the idea of becoming a gamekeeper obviously i would have to start with beating, picking up etc i have been looking at college courses and have applied for nvq level 2 to start with so any help would be greatly appreciated i.e any beating jobs etc in the north east thanks in advance scott :thumbs:


As an employer we would be looking for a L2 NVQ as a minimum level of qualification for a new "inexperianced" keeper. This course will give you the theoretical knowlege you need as well as giving you opertunities for hands on learning in diferant areas.We have an Underkeeper position vacant at the moment and this is the minumum standard we will accept, coupled with hands on experiance; obviously additional "pieces of paper" worth obtaining these days include both FAC and SGC as well as a driving license and some form of certificate in using ATV's and any other equipment such as chain saws etc.


The last two may sound a little far fetched, but in todays climate, particularly on a comercial estate, insurance, health and safety, and risk assesement are an important factor which employers have to take seriously, so anything along that line will help grately.


As well as doing the course, try and get some experiance in the beating line and doing pest control, trapping as well as shooting (a lot of shoots overlook trapping and concentrate solely on shooting) and game rearing.


The further up the ladder you go, the less dependant your CV will become on formal qualifications, with experiance counting for more, but do not discount the need for a qualification to get you on your way as a full time employed game keeper.


All the best with your endeavour.

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many thanks for your reply lord b i will be looking to start a l2 nvq course as soon as there is a vacant position, as for the fac and sgc i have not even bothered to apply as its pointless without any permission or land. I have been looking to joining a gun club to obtain the fac and sgc.

but thanks for the advice and hopefully i will be on a course asap

thanks again scott

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  manda said:
many thanks for your reply lord b i will be looking to start a l2 nvq course as soon as there is a vacant position, as for the fac and sgc i have not even bothered to apply as its pointless without any permission or land. I have been looking to joining a gun club to obtain the fac and sgc.

but thanks for the advice and hopefully i will be on a course asap

thanks again scott


You don't need permission over land for your SGC, just a justifiable reason, this could be clay shooting for eg,


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  manda said:
hello guys i really like the idea of becoming a gamekeeper obviously i would have to start with beating, picking up etc i have been looking at college courses and have applied for nvq level 2 to start with so any help would be greatly appreciated i.e any beating jobs etc in the north east thanks in advance scott :thumbs:


Where abouts are you in th north east mate?? ;)

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