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PLM was crying on here because west ham fans beat his brother up ,gnasher invited him and his family down to make up for it ,he showed generous hospitality to them on more than one occasion ,even had

You can't blame socks, he's a diagnosed psychopath and so doesn't think about the less fortunate.   LOL LOL... please dont kill me socks! All in good humour.

I only wanted some likes ffs

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The funniest thing of all is the fukcing box don't work lol ... the volume button has detached so it doesn't make a sound ... I've got to strip it down to see if I can fix it lol .......

If this was in USA could probably sue him for giving away something that don't work pmsl

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so i have Navek slagging me with cyrus the virus lines and a convicted burglar calling me a snake pmsl you fannys

why insult people if you shut yourself anytime anyone calls you out?
i don't fight simple.dont give insults if you can't take them simple
Bet you dont give insults in person either ye pathetic big mouthed coward
and you do I suppose ? people what call names normally not up to much
Youll never know will ypu, cos you only throw the names from the safety of ye phone ya dobber

Ya c**t Don you've got me buckled here I haven't heard that in years. "Ya dobber" feckin brilliant. ?

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PLM was crying on here because west ham fans beat his brother up ,gnasher invited him and his family down to make up for it ,he showed generous hospitality to them on more than one occasion ,even had him in his home ,.

Then when PLM started arguing with Max ,he pm,d him telling him all about gnash and what he thought he knew about him ,even giving his name and telling Max to google him ,Max mentioned it in one of his posts ,and Gnasher understandably took the hump with PLM ,but even then he was polite and told PLM he'd enjoyed meeting his dad and it meant something to him but seeing as PLM was a bit of a gossip ,no more freebies ,a parting of the ways ,PLM got desperate ,wouldn't accept that and carried on trying to be his mate /stalk him ,until an exasperated Gnasher told him straight .

pLM is a bitter ,insignificant little rat

I can't get my head round how anyc@nt has the brass neck to come back on here and try and verbally defend himself after all the strokes he's pulled and still throw out insults......rock and crawl comes to mind.


He'll probably fade away into the distance, once the said person has his liberty back I hope time moves fast for the man as were he is not a place to be.

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so i have Navek slagging me with cyrus the virus lines and a convicted burglar calling me a snake pmsl you fannys

why insult people if you shut yourself anytime anyone calls you out?
i don't fight simple.dont give insults if you can't take them simple


Bit of free advice from a daft old b&stard from Hartlepool, learn to fight or learn to keep your mouth shut. Don't get them mixed up or it may well be a painful experience.

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