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oh im sorry i might go out today with my friend and let him put his dog in a sett with no coller on and then il help him destroy the sett ,does it make it right that it wasnt his dog or that he watched someone trench a sett up ??why not wait till it came out???


so does your dog or dogs leave the quarry and come out? what yu getting so worked up about, what if you are protecting game birds and the keeper does not want any earths on his property and you have to destroy each earth you work? are you saying you wouldnt do as the keeper wanted? every bit of land has different requirements, not saying that this is the case in this instance but we dont know do we!

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so does your dog or dogs leave the quarry and come out? what yu getting so worked up about, what if you are protecting game birds and the keeper does not want any earths on his property and you have to destroy each earth you work? are you saying you wouldnt do as the keeper wanted? every bit of land has different requirements, not saying that this is the case in this instance but we dont know do we!



good shout adam :thumbs: , we dont know half the story, we wearnt there, It was the boys first fox so lets try and help with some nice comments and some comments which you think he could improve his work, he can only learn from his faults and other pepoles comments, well done vodafone, good luck :thumbs::thumbs:

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Guest rexdigger

oh im sorry thought the people who come on this site liked to do things properly thats all,starting to realise theres a lot of armchair hunters who like to talk the talk and know shit all about the game as for my dogs coming out if they do they might have a fight with a bulldog and lose :feck::feck:

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Guest ragumup

Iv yet to meet a keeper that wants all the earths destroyed where would he look next year :blink: if you have earths foxes use then you know where to look , if you destroy them on your ground the foxes may lay up and or cub in earths over the boundary and still come on your ground and kill his game birds,

As for the chap id agree with others give him a break we"ve all done it once, i some time carry a few foot of pipe to repair the an earth even without making a trench

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it was a spur of the moment thing, these things happen. give him a break - thats the prob with the so called "hardcore boys". you aint perfect and i bet you' :feck: ve done things wrong in the past. you sound a bit of a c.o.c.k with that attitude a bit of advice goes a long way critisism gets peoples backs up :feck:

couldnt of said it better :thumbs:

ps thanks voda for the pm

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oh im sorry thought the people who come on this site liked to do things properly thats all,starting to realise theres a lot of armchair hunters who like to talk the talk and know shit all about the game as for my dogs coming out if they do they might have a fight with a bulldog and lose :feck::feck:

you like to do things properly do you read your post again bud. :blink:

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