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I bred my bitch in her last season and I left too late to mate her as I needed more homes for her rather large litter (she had 14 last time) although they tied three times she did not fall pregnant. So this season I let nature do it's ting and they successfully mated lots but she still didn't fall pregnant. Can any one explain why?


Edited by leegreen
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It really depends on when the bitch ovulates, how many eggs she produces and the dogs sperm. I had a bitch who was mated once on day 21 from the first day she started to bleed and produced one pup so I suppose if a bitch is late ovulating in her season, there is a chance the dogs sperm may have died off inside her by the time the egg is ready to be fertilised, allthough I think it can live inside a bitch for a week or so. Im no expert myself, I go by my old dog, he wont fuss with a bitch until shes ready, and he will tell you exactly when she is, he goes off his food and howls for a few days, its a pain but I always know when my bitches are ready even if they wont stand for him, my old bitch hates him and wont let him near her, but she would stand for another dog.

Edited by SJM
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It really depends on when the bitch ovulates, how many eggs she produces and the dogs sperm. I had a bitch who was mated once on day 21 from the first day she started to bleed and produced one pup so I suppose if a bitch is late ovulating in her season, there is a chance the dogs sperm may have died off inside her by the time the egg is ready to be fertilised, allthough I think it can live inside a bitch for a week or so. Im no expert myself, I go by my old dog, he wont fuss with a bitch until shes ready, and he will tell you exactly when she is, he goes off his food and howls for a few days, its a pain but I always know when my bitches are ready even if they wont stand for him, my old bitch hates him and wont let him near her, but she would stand for another dog.

well said sjm :clapper: try getting th bitch blood tested,then u will no when th bitch is at th point of ovulating :thumbs:

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It really depends on when the bitch ovulates, how many eggs she produces and the dogs sperm. I had a bitch who was mated once on day 21 from the first day she started to bleed and produced one pup so I suppose if a bitch is late ovulating in her season, there is a chance the dogs sperm may have died off inside her by the time the egg is ready to be fertilised, allthough I think it can live inside a bitch for a week or so. Im no expert myself, I go by my old dog, he wont fuss with a bitch until shes ready, and he will tell you exactly when she is, he goes off his food and howls for a few days, its a pain but I always know when my bitches are ready even if they wont stand for him, my old bitch hates him and wont let him near her, but she would stand for another dog.

well said sjm :clapper: try getting th bitch blood tested,then u will no when th bitch is at th point of ovulating :thumbs:


My bitch would stand for my from day one but the dog only takes real notice well into her second week and they mate at least once a day untill they stop which is a few days later when his interest declines. Blood tests seem a little extreme, does anyone else blood test there bitches for there point of ovulation. I have produced eight litters of pups over a twenty four year period and have never had it done, maybe I should start ?

Edited by leegreen
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It really depends on when the bitch ovulates, how many eggs she produces and the dogs sperm. I had a bitch who was mated once on day 21 from the first day she started to bleed and produced one pup so I suppose if a bitch is late ovulating in her season, there is a chance the dogs sperm may have died off inside her by the time the egg is ready to be fertilised, allthough I think it can live inside a bitch for a week or so. Im no expert myself, I go by my old dog, he wont fuss with a bitch until shes ready, and he will tell you exactly when she is, he goes off his food and howls for a few days, its a pain but I always know when my bitches are ready even if they wont stand for him, my old bitch hates him and wont let him near her, but she would stand for another dog.

well said sjm :clapper: try getting th bitch blood tested,then u will no when th bitch is at th point of ovulating :thumbs:


My bitch would stand for my from day one but the dog only takes real notice well into her second week and they mate at least once a day untill they stop which is a few days later when his interest declines. Blood tests seem a little extreme, does anyone else blood test there bitches for there point of ovulation. I have produced eight litters of pups over a twenty four year period and have never had it done, maybe I should start ?

since i started blood testing,never missed th bitch yet mate.i swear by them

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It really depends on when the bitch ovulates, how many eggs she produces and the dogs sperm. I had a bitch who was mated once on day 21 from the first day she started to bleed and produced one pup so I suppose if a bitch is late ovulating in her season, there is a chance the dogs sperm may have died off inside her by the time the egg is ready to be fertilised, allthough I think it can live inside a bitch for a week or so. Im no expert myself, I go by my old dog, he wont fuss with a bitch until shes ready, and he will tell you exactly when she is, he goes off his food and howls for a few days, its a pain but I always know when my bitches are ready even if they wont stand for him, my old bitch hates him and wont let him near her, but she would stand for another dog.

well said sjm :clapper: try getting th bitch blood tested,then u will no when th bitch is at th point of ovulating :thumbs:


My bitch would stand for my from day one but the dog only takes real notice well into her second week and they mate at least once a day untill they stop which is a few days later when his interest declines. Blood tests seem a little extreme, does anyone else blood test there bitches for there point of ovulation. I have produced eight litters of pups over a twenty four year period and have never had it done, maybe I should start ?

since i started blood testing,never missed th bitch yet mate.i swear by them


How much is a blood test just out of interest ?

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Blood test would be a ood way to go to be certain she takes the next time she's in season, before she's due in season say about 2 weeks before she's due in it might be worth getting the vet to give you some anti-biotics for her to prevent any infections that may be lurking there as it seems v strange she's been mated for 2 seaons and not had pups ?



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Blood test would be a ood way to go to be certain she takes the next time she's in season, before she's due in season say about 2 weeks before she's due in it might be worth getting the vet to give you some anti-biotics for her to prevent any infections that may be lurking there as it seems v strange she's been mated for 2 seaons and not had pups ?



Hello Nicola

I have heard about anti-biotics for bitches prior to conception and yes it does seem strange that she has missed two matings. She also has phantom pregnance's where she produces milk and seems a bit run down, so maybe worth a course of anti-biotics aswell, as she may have developed an infection because of the phantom. I have some anti-biotics so I will give her a course, it will not hurt.

thanks for gogging my rusty memory


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