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How To Stop Ferrets Climbing

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My kits will room have the run of a brick shed . Recently when they were in there they've tried climbing the brickwork. They managed to get a few inches up behind I pulled them off. Renderig the inside is out of the question because the adult hob is in there at the moment . Anybody know of anything cheap and good to tack on the walls ? In thinking of getting thin ply and mailing it to the wall. Would prefer hard plastic but it's extortionate price

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Depends on how much you need but you can get UPVC cladding sheets that are 15ft x 1ft, It slots together like floorboard and is easily fixed to anything with no nails.

I think it's about 8 quid a sheet and you'd want 6 to do an 8x6 shed 3feet high, but it's rot proof, easy to clean and even ferrets can't get up it.

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I ran a foot of rabbit mesh round the top of my hutches when i had the kits they couldn't work out how to get over the overhang never slowed down the jill but at least you could drop her back in the hutch and put the lid down with out all the ferrets getting in the road

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They will learn after they drop off a few times, trick is to make sure they have some thing soft to land on when they fall. They will get bored falling off.

... or broken :cray: And that's the reason there's a thick layer of straw in our court. Even with pipes everywhere the daft beggars still try and climb up the outside of the pipes sometimes, and whilst ferrets do bounce quite well, a 5 foot drop on to concrete is not recommended.

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My daughter has had them catch their nails on her clothing a good few times so I just got into the routine of cutting their nails. Realised it stopped them climbing also which saved me from adding extra bits to the run. Their useed to it now. 5 mins to cut all of their nails.

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