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Looking For Some Shooting Permission South Devon Area With Air Rifle

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Do you need permission to shoot Every wher legally.

I've got forests and stuff around me a woods by the train track but I don't think it's owned by anyone in particular and allotments with plenty of rats but I think the council own that. Would the council give permission. And whatvwoukd happen if someone was to see me shooting pigeon do do you think they'd ring the old bill.

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Aye i think they would all lands owned by somebody and you need permission , get caught even with a air gun and its classed as a fire arms offence and although you might just get your gun confiscated and fined the charge will haunt you for the rest of your live when it comes to applying for shotgun , fire arms cert etc or job applications

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Aye i think they would all lands owned by somebody and you need permission , get caught even with a air gun and its classed as a fire arms offence and although you might just get your gun confiscated and fined the charge will haunt you for the rest of your live when it comes to applying for shotgun , fire arms cert etc or job applications


Ok cheers mate.

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You'll need to get yourself some public liability insurance !


It sometimes helps persuade landowners - and you'll meet plenty of them, as you travel endless miles to knock on doors, and get turned down over and over again !


Persistence, persistence, persistence !

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