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upto a dead weight of 60 kg......slaughter cost = £20,boned and rolled and vac packed = £26 and 50p for each joint cut,sausages cost £2.20 for each kg made. dead weight of 80kg..slaughter cost =£23,b

It's pretty straight forward mate. I've found pigs pretty easy to keep from weavers up to killing weight. You need to apply for college number and heard number. Movements are all done online at Bpec.

Legislation is the biggest problem. Huge fines for keeping them without herd number and illegal transporting due to foot and mouth,registered slaughterhouse for killing, vet checks,vaccines and inspec

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Make sure you have a very secure pen and never underestimate pig power,Don't trust em too much they got one hell of a bite :laugh:


Saddlebacks are very nice pigs and very tasty they make a great cross with large whites ect. My friend had gloucster and i think they are a good pig with nice tasty fat,they also seemed quite easy to keep.


You could do your own kill and butchering but in all honesty its not for the novice, scalding the pig is a art on its own especially with a hairy muddy pig.


Before slaughter put em in a nice clean straw pen so they can tidy themselves up and feel good,but don't feed them before slaughter.


If your rearing through winter make sure they can escape the cold frost and snow and keep themselves warm,Pigs will lie in piles on top of each other to keep snug and warm.


Most of all have fun :thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Legislation is the biggest problem. Huge fines for keeping them without herd number and illegal transporting due to foot and mouth,registered slaughterhouse for killing, vet checks,vaccines and inspections of housing when applying for number, its illegal now to feed leftovers from restaurants etc. A pissed off farmer next door is enough to cause a shit storm if he thinks his stock is in danger from disease by you not doing things by the book when he is jumping through hoops to keep his stock in order. If paying for feed you won't make a profit but organic rared meat ( with a small bit of meal for protein and size gain ) is far superior than supermarket meal fed pigs. If organic keep it pork and sausage and don't bother with hams as the salt spoils flavour so you might aswell buy intensive reared hams. If it was as simple as buying a weaner and staying under the radar and killing yourself and getting free offal for feeding then it would be worth doing. I spoke too a guy who manages a pig farm and he said 20 euro was the profit on each factory pig after everything was accounted for. It's the large numbers produced that made them their money. For tasty meat then go for it but don't do it for profit or you will lose.

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Luckily mines all done for me it's kept on organic farm,mostly by the shop,fed on damaged produce or rotten , topped up with grain ,all paper work and slaughtering an butchering done for me .

happy days I don't know about uk rules but Irish are cnuts. Even the restaurants are forced to dump perfectly good dinners which would be ideal for pigs. Cross contamination bullshit. It probably ends up incinerated. This is the liberal world we live in. We can't have a pig or dog getting salmonella. People can't be trusted enough to see if there is green mould on food to dump it. They just want us to be robots, with common sense gone out the window. It's no wonder we have third world countries starving.
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Minimum 6 inch blocks on enclosure with steel gates. I made the mistake of putting up a temporary teak door when they were small until I walked out with bucket of slop and they smelled it. 3 of them busted hinges clean off of 4 inch block walls bursts the blocks and were dancing on door excitedly waiting on grub. ??? They escaped outer enclosure once too and I chased them for 20 minutes with no joy until my Mrs told me to get a bucket of slop. They walked on back to bed happily. I bought an Andrew James 1800watt meat grinder online at the time and it was very good sausage maker.( mince twice ) Scobie junior and sons sell the sausage skins and breadcrumb mixes online delivered to your door. It was an enjoyable experience and I don't normally eat pork chops but they were delicious . If you don't have access to a scald tank for hair then a plumbers blow torch will get you by. There is usually a lot of fat to trim anyway which will cut away excess hair. Rough and ready. It was my first time but got a lot of meat to bone ratio compared too deer. 100kg pig produced 100 pound of edible meat if my memory is right.

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Luckily mines all done for me it's kept on organic farm,mostly by the shop,fed on damaged produce or rotten , topped up with grain ,all paper work and slaughtering an butchering done for me .


why not just buy a pig from slaughterhouse then.probably be cheaper too.
Didn't know you could ,TBH it's been nice watching it grow from a piglet
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A bought pig just won't have same flavour. I've heard stories too of the slaughterhouse keeping your organic pig for themselves and giving you back an intensive reared one. Or else taking 10 lb of meat for himself . There is a certain element of trust needed.

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A bought pig just won't have same flavour. I've heard stories too of the slaughterhouse keeping your organic pig for themselves and giving you back an intensive reared one. Or else taking 10 lb of meat for himself . There is a certain element of trust needed.

without blowing my own trumpet we have farmers/hobbiest coming 100's of miles to us.even across sea's(isle of wight anyway) because in all my time there i've never known it to anything like that to happen.not even nicking a sausage.

you should always tattoo pigs because ear tags can come out in the de hairer.

i hear lots about it from customers how they've taken a pig in with a docked tail somewhere,went to pick it up and it must had grown one and they'd been assured it's the same pig.

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A bought pig just won't have same flavour. I've heard stories too of the slaughterhouse keeping your organic pig for themselves and giving you back an intensive reared one. Or else taking 10 lb of meat for himself . There is a certain element of trust needed.

without blowing my own trumpet we have farmers/hobbiest coming 100's of miles to us.even across sea's(isle of wight anyway) because in all my time there i've never known it to anything like that to happen.not even nicking a sausage.

you should always tattoo pigs because ear tags can come out in the de hairer.

i hear lots about it from customers how they've taken a pig in with a docked tail somewhere,went to pick it up and it must had grown one and they'd been assured it's the same pig.

yeah a farmer told me about getting a heifer killed for his own freezer in local butchers and he wasn't happy when he carried it out in 2 boxes. Next year he brought same weight heifer to a different butcher and he filled the boot of his car with meat. More than double the meat. Whatever about taking a few steaks but they blatantly fleeced him 1st time. Other lads were averaging taking 5kg less meat home from equal size lambs than other shops. 5kg is a lot to steal from a chopped lamb. Would it be more than quarter?
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