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game bags

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Hi dose anyone know where i can buy a decent game bag? must be able to hold 50 purse nets + then next day be able to carry trapping equipment etc ? I do not need one with those silly nets on the side & must be made out of strong canvas!some thing like the old postman;s bag; this bag has got to be a real work~horse I know this sounds a tall order but i;m fed up with buying bags that do not last 5 minutes also must have a good strong strap i have trawled the inter~net with no sucess! any info will greatly be appriecated :drink: many thanks Steve

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Steve; I have just such a bag here, mate. Had it for a few years now. I found it on the net and got it in from US. Cheap as chips all the same. It's basicly one of their posties sacks. Lacks the flap our sort have. But It's strong as an oxes hide and certainly takes some abuse.


Of course, I now haven't got a bloody clue where I got it from! But I was searching on terms like " Strong Bag or " Big Bag ". I wonder what good a search along those lines or even " Postmans Pouch / Sack " might get ye?


They're out there.

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Hi mate was going to suggest an old post delivery bag myself!

Got one for ferreting, holds 100 nets plus bits and bobs!

The others my 'game bag' great for walking up and pigeons!

If I were you I would try to locate one somehow!

Try your local postie or go to the sorting office and ask nicely.

They dont use the old canvas versions anymore so if they have one you may get lucky!

Edited by masmiffy
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Place called Manhattan Portage do some rather more up markety looking kit. Costs more, but well spoken of by professionals and they do stuff in cammo or drab green. Might not be exactly what ye have in mind, but I wouldn't mind one.


" Messenger Bags " seems to be the key word. But, be warned; The chinks are now well into the market, so there's going to be some right crap out there.

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Hi walksatnight found their site seem;s they only sell very good high quality dog collars will give them an e~mail a.s.a.p about game bags :drink: Hi D.S thanks for your input & racking your brain seems to be what I;m looking for! I;ll search the net with your suggestions ! unless you can find the site before me! :toast::drink: Hi Mastify my uncle works for the P.O even he has looked all over the depot &cannot find one about anywhere "as rare as rocking~horse s**t on the South Downs" :drink: please keep your input coming I can see some~one making a packet if they can find the right product & niche in the U.K market! :drink: keep looking lads! :drink: Steve

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Try a gun shop / field sports shop that deals with David Nickerson (Tathwell) Ltd, they are the distributors of Lincoln shotguns but they also do their "own" brand of equipment. I remember they used to do some pretty big game bags, and their prices are reasonable.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Steve! I've refound the very bag I have here! :toast: Like I say; This as ye'll see - is basicly a Posties mail bag, without a flap. But I own one and have owned it for over three years and use it every week. I abuse the shit out of this bag. I put such tremendous weights in it that I'm staggering along the road groaning in misery. Bag just laughs at me!


It's Never shown Any sign of wearing through. Not a thread of stitching has come adrift. I reckon ye could stand in this bag and be hoisted off the ground by its strap in perfect safety. And just Look at the silly price! As I remember, it worked out costing me little more than a tenner, delivered to uk!


I'm sure there's prettier, fancier, somehow more 'suitable' bags out there, at many times the cost. But if ye just want a BIG, Tough, rough old bag to haul more kit that ye'll ever want to carry? Here's ye kiddie!


I went for 'Natural' and, one of these days, I'll get round to dying it drab green ;)


THE Bag!

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Hi walksatnight found their site seem;s they only sell very good high quality dog collars will give them an e~mail a.s.a.p about game bags Hi D.S thanks for your input & racking your brain seems to be what I;m looking for! I;ll search the net with your suggestions ! unless you can find the site before me! Hi Mastify my uncle works for the P.O even he has looked all over the depot &cannot find one about anywhere "as rare as rocking~horse s**t on the South Downs" please keep your input coming I can see some~one making a packet if they can find the right product & niche in the U.K market! keep looking lads! Steve



i bought mine from a game fair from them but like you say give him a phone it might not be any good to you any how just thought i would mention just in case all the best in your search though :thumbs:

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  stephen58 said:
Hi dose anyone know where i can buy a decent game bag? must be able to hold 50 purse nets + then next day be able to carry trapping equipment etc ? I do not need one with those silly nets on the side & must be made out of strong canvas!some thing like the old postman;s bag; this bag has got to be a real work~horse I know this sounds a tall order but i;m fed up with buying bags that do not last 5 minutes also must have a good strong strap i have trawled the inter~net with no sucess! any info will greatly be appriecated :drink: many thanks Steve

try and get hold of a posties bag they are very strong and and last for years that what i use

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