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Am sure there are some knowledgeable lads who can answer , how much could you expect to pay for a .177 rifle+scope+sound moderator break barrel in good condition for rabbit,squirrel etc I know with anything the sky's the limit when it comes to cost ,just a realistic price for a reliable all-around vermin rifle thanks lads.

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Tony without sounding lime a tw*t your asking a very hard question.


What could be a perfectly usable weapon too someone could be viewed as shit to the next man who wouldn't pay what the first would.

I'd suggest a look through the sales section or even a wanted add and see what you get offered



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Ye I know I was just wondering if there was a rugged combo that is sort of a mainstay in a second hand vermin rifle scope silencer package that most lads would say was value for money , I know condition and personal taste plays a part

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How much rifle would you consider is value for money Tony?


You want a rugged breakbarrel? That's going to be a springer; and the best all-round rugged and reliable breakbarrel spring rifle bargain I could think of looking for, would be a Weihrauch HW80.


Either full-size long barrel or the Karbine version is lovely. Beautiful build quality, built like a German Tiger tank and supremely accurate with a quality-end Hawke or better quality Nikko Stirling scope. You don't need a mod on a springer they won't make a ha'porth of difference really to dampen the sound, when they do nothing to silence the spring piston action in the cylinder cracking off.


About £250 to £350 or a bit more for a real quality condition minter with scope and a sling if possible. Cheaper ones mean usually there's something needs doing, or worse the cheaper it gets. You don't want someone else's duff project but a rifle you can get up and shooting well with straight off the go!.


That said, you can find some really poorly looked-after wrecks externally and they'll still be superb internally. Such is the quality of these guns. But again, don't waste money on duff projects. There's always a better bargain around to get you shooting straight away, if you look hard enough.


I've had my HW80 .22 for nigh-on twenty years now, and I don'r regret a penny spent on her. She will never be for sale and her power and accuracy is awesome. But she is on my FAC mind. :hmm: But something else worthy of your consideration is having one on ticket too. :thumbs:


Or have a look at the Walther LGU breakbarrel. Amazing rifle, beautiful finish and brand new, they don't cost a fortune.


Set a reasonable and realistic budget and check out the free ads, Gunstar or the sales and wants section here.


all the best.


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some wise words from Simon there tony :thumbs:


freeads is a great place to pick up a quality second hand rifle/scope combo!


the quality second hand route is a good one as air arms and weihrauch build there guns to last,

there are other good makes out there too but its years since I've owned anything else!


if you find something you like put a post up and I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction and give you a yay or nay!


happy shopping


atb si

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totally agree with simon concerning the hw80 but id also suggest looking around for an older one, mainly cos theyre much better than the newer ones-better steel, much tighter quality control and built like tanks. if youre not bothered about a few dings and scuffs you can pick up a straight shooting 20 yr old 80 for around £150 and youll still have a great rifle thatll probably outlive you and kill all the vermin you need it to. youd have a bit more money to spend on a better scope then too.

if youre after a new gun however, the hw95, 99s are great guns too, both lighter than the 80, both blisteringly accurate and easy to tune if you wanna take that route too.

if you dont want something youll eventually want to tune, then as simons says the LGV break barrel is excellent out of the box, i had a synthetic one that was hands down the best new rifle ive ever owned, and it has a VERY quiet action-quiet enough to warrent putting a mod on the front of, and being synthetic requires less maintenance than a wood one.

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We have a number of very experienced guys in your neck of the woods who would possibly meet up to show you some kit. It is well worth going to a range and simply asking people what they think of the rifle they use and most people will let you have a try with their guns. This way you may well come away with a much better idea of what you like and of course don't like.


You may even find a gun for sale there as well.


Good luck in your search.



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I was thinking thats a hard question as well , and it always amazes me when somebody posts a picture and says whats thats worth and folk pluck a figure out from somewhere unless youve got your hands on a gun and can see its faults how can you talk money ?.

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All advice given to you is good advice Tony :good:


To try and elaborate a little more, I would say stick to the HW and A Arms manufacturers and simply shoulder all of the rifles you can.

As D, John says, we all have differing opinions on each rifle.


HW 80, HW 95, HW 99, LGU, LGV, AArms TX 200, AA Pro Sport ?


Forget the numbers but "do" check out these manufacturers rifles, all are superb and one will suit "you" more than the others.


good luck !

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