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Cnuts Have Got Barcelona

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corbynlid, abbott, khan and any other muslim sympathisers need theyre heads on pikes on london bridge

Don't want to derail the thread but if I had a choice of trying to help one of the injured or wandering around filming their suffering on a mobile phone I know which I'd pick....

Another great job by the EU forcing people to have these mongrels living alongside them. Multi-culturalism sure is working nicely. You'd have to be a racist to think otherwise.   I don't want these

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  On 18/08/2017 at 14:48, Rusty_terrier said:

Dogs of certain breed were making the papers not that long ago for attacks on people. They were swiftly banned in the UK and the ones that were already here and were aloud to stay were to be nuetered so they couldnt breed and kept under strict conditions until the breeds died out. Just a thought

You should be an MP mate
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  On 18/08/2017 at 09:34, scothunter said:

We did do it to the irish mush, and yes some were wrongly accused, but some were acttve members of the IRA and were thwarted and ultimately saved lifes.

Was it fair to the ones who weren't involved NO. However neither is it fair to the innocent people being killed.


Muslim nations are mostly involved in draconian methods of punishments and barbarism which for years was only confined to their borders. Now these c**ts have infested our countries in plague proportions it was inevitable they would bring there barbarism also.


interment would be my first choice if i had the power! Our security forces who i have great admiration in have dropped the ball far to many times now. Bordering on incompetance! They are there to keep us safe and whether its goverment interfeirance or just plain incompetance i dont know. But im sick everytime an attack happens it comes out "they were known to the security services"! And f**k all was done.


And yet some lad posts on face book calling someone a fenian b*****d or an orange c**t or threatening a football manager. Next morning hes dragged from his bed and up in court!


f***ing madness!

IRA probably would have died out naturally but for internment..maybe not bringing boat loads of them accross the mediterranean every week might help.
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  On 18/08/2017 at 15:07, Born Hunter said:

f***ing Finland! They practically don't bother anyone. They just about have a couple of handfuls of military personnel on training missions. What the f**k have they done to upset anyone?

  On 18/08/2017 at 15:07, Born Hunter said:

f***ing Finland! They practically don't bother anyone. They just about have a couple of handfuls of military personnel on training missions. What the f**k have they done to upset anyone?





Just part and parcel of living in a quiet country.

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  On 18/08/2017 at 15:07, Born Hunter said:

f***ing Finland! They practically don't bother anyone. They just about have a couple of handfuls of military personnel on training missions. What the f**k have they done to upset anyone?

there not muslim. Only excuse they needif any excuse is needed

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  On 18/08/2017 at 14:54, mackem said:

Theres an attack in Finland,just happened so reports are sketchy but police have shot one attacker.

Amsterdam felt primed for a attack we had one bothering us with his jibba jabba he was ready to detonate. ..i gave him a blueberry hash cocktail that dampened his fuse :laugh: he was going on about Allah whilst holding a pint and a joint. ...I wasn't convinced by his conviction to Islam :laugh:

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These antifa fukwits have no shame trump was right


Riot police have cordoned off a section of Las Ramblas as a group of people, some with masks over their faces, began shouting and bottles were thrown, Hayley Dixon reports.


The group were shouting anti fascist slogans and clapping.



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Just seen something on Facebook that resonated

All and I mean all the people moaning about trump and the nazis etc yesterday on Facebook

Not one peep out of them

About this


A lot of them felt it necessary to post how they hated nazis

But again nothing about this

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Another great job by the EU forcing people to have these mongrels living alongside them. Multi-culturalism sure is working nicely. You'd have to be a racist to think otherwise.


I don't want these people living anywhere near me. I don't like them. I don't like the way they look, sound, dress, smell, behave and the fact they want to kill me and my family and rape my daughters. I don't like the way they can act how they want, be as racist as they want, say people who don't believe in their god should be kiiled and get away with it, yet call one in the street any sort of "bad name" and they go crying to the authorities demanding all sorts of compensation for their hurt feelings.

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  On 19/08/2017 at 07:02, johnny.w said:

Another great job by the EU forcing people to have these mongrels living alongside them. Multi-culturalism sure is working nicely. You'd have to be a racist to think otherwise.


I don't want these people living anywhere near me. I don't like them. I don't like the way they look, sound, dress, smell, behave and the fact they want to kill me and my family and rape my daughters. I don't like the way they can act how they want, be as racist as they want, say people who don't believe in their god should be kiiled and get away with it, yet call one in the street any sort of "bad name" and they go crying to the authorities demanding all sorts of compensation for their hurt feelings.

here,here mate,sickening state of affairs.when the fuk will someone in govt stand up a say what most of think about them.

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