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A Very Succsesful Air Rifle Decoying Pattern For Wood Pigeons.

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I`ve had many, many, good bags of wood pigeons employing this simple pattern lads.


1, Concealment.

Blend into the surroundings . No field craft required.


YOU MUST, have camo` over you, ie- a roof.


YOU MUST, not be able to see through your hide.


YOU MUST, wear a gillie suit or as a minimum camo` gloves and face mask but expect great bags for yourself wearing a gillie suit.

Do sit well back in the hide and not let your gun barrel protrude when lining up your shot :rtfm:



2, Set three dead decoys on cradles, 38 yds from your hide, " in your field of view" - I`ve used string set at 38yds for this, with a knot in it at 28 yds for my .22 forays and 20 yds for my closest decoys.

I look to make a " half wheel" pattern, with a " perfect arch" of 38yds. ( forgive my drawings) :icon_redface:




The three unshaded birds at 38 yd perfect zero range, are your markers ON CRADLES.- ( range markers)


The shaded birds in the second drawing, ON CRADLES, are your 20 yd markers and defenders ( if you will), incoming birds rarely land between you and them.


The bit that now matters, - face your birds initially into the wind so as no feathers lift up.


Phil picked up on the kill zone area earlier, always leave this open and then as you shoot them BUILD A BUSY BEE scenario going on outside the kill zone, never in it ! :rtfm:

Have the decoys looking as though they are mulling about each other regardless and OUTSIDE your kill zone.

Shoot say four, then remove them from your kill zone.

I also find that a pattern kept to around no more than 20 - 25 birds is deadly.


If you find the birds start to suddenly veer off from landing, something is wrong !


A shot bird lying on it`s back, breast up, a bird on it`s side with a waving wind or as little as your dog peeping out of the hide, ends the landings.


No rocket science lads.




( couldn`t resist) :feck: TX 200 HC MK 3 Rat Works tuned below.








atb Mark.




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Thanks Mark.


That is interesting and in principle is the same as I do myself but my curve (arc) is to the left or right depending on wind direction.


I know the pattern I mentioned above is more for shotgun than air rifle but I very much like your thoughts mate, I will give that a whirl when next out with the rifle.


Just thinking to myself, I am going back out later today after the crows, the hide is already set up and my new ghost net has just arrived so I will take it up with me and drape it over the top of my hide . I will have the rifle with me anyway as I am on the rabbits later tonight so lets try it out.


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  On 16/08/2017 at 13:01, The one said:

nice going mate , so you only use 3 birds as decoys ?.


No One, three cradled birds in the half wheel are range finders at 38 yds for my preferred calibre .177 I add birds up to around 20/25 as I shoot them or if I have them.






  On 16/08/2017 at 14:48, stealthy1 said:

Your a lot easier to spot than the phone by the table leg. :laugh:


The hide is but I am not.

Absolutely no field craft required but concealment is top priority, - the pigeon sees no danger in that hide but associates lots of danger with humans or any movements it sees.




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  • 7 months later...
  On 21/03/2018 at 21:25, Lee.m said:

Thanks mark I’m on peas which are being trashed by them will give this a try once again thanks 




Peas already wow, in my area it is all Birds Eye planting and they have advised the farm estate manager, where I shoot, that the will be drilling in May. Quite a difference but I guess that will produce a steady flow of peas through the growing season and of course, you generally get warmer weather earlier than we do.



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