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new long dogs

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hello people i have a brought a dog of my mate it is afagan hound x suliki greyhound i belive this litter is the only litter in the country ! my dog is buillt like bull grey hound but many say he looks like a slogi ! he is a very inteliant dog :clapper: only 2 out of the 11 litter turn out hairy ! my dog is 10 mouths old and making great susess on the lamp ! i will upload some pictures of him so u can rate him !


thanks josh

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at ten months its impossible to know what it will be like, im all for trying new crosses as you all know but id keep this boys progress close to your chest mate youll get to much abuse untill hes doing the business all day and all night then you can put up the :feck: to all who doubted you, but untill then youll get a lot of stick , but good luck mate

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Guest john2007oliver
  workindogz said:
at ten months its impossible to know what it will be like, im all for trying new crosses as you all know but id keep this boys progress close to your chest mate youll get to much abuse untill hes doing the business all day and all night then you can put up the :feck: to all who doubted you, but untill then youll get a lot of stick , but good luck mate



  tyson said:
strange mix , but prob be better for nice open field coursing , rather than larger quarry

how big is he ?



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  Dawn B said:
Afghan, seriously? WORSE than the Husky crosses! Afghans are the worst dogs in the world for training, not to mention their coats. My boss has owned them for 35yrs, I can categorically state they are useless for working!


i dont claim to be an expert in any way or form, but i have found that dogs are individuals,we have a border collie,very obedient but scatty as fcuk! ive ad them before that were less than obedient and were quiet and quite un exciteable!

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  Dawn B said:
Afghan, seriously? WORSE than the Husky crosses! Afghans are the worst dogs in the world for training, not to mention their coats. My boss has owned them for 35yrs, I can categorically state they are useless for working!


i have herd about a few afgan/grey cosses that have perfomed very well on the coursing field :yes:

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I have heard a lot of stories too. You have to ask yourself why the smooth Afghans or crosses of normal Afghans are not commonly used, these dogs will run tirelessly for extensive periods of time, could be very useful IF they could be relied upon and trained to a decent standard. Dont get me wrong, I love the breed, as I said my boss has owned them for 35yrs, I have known the breed for 15yrs, since they bought the kennels, but they aint no working Hound, although I appreciate its a very capable animal in its native country.


I run my Terriers at Afghan racing, on Greyhound tracks, I have often seen Afghans power past the Hare after it has broken down on the track and also waited for hours on end with many people trying to catch just one dog!

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  brookie said:
heres a saluki x afghan as you can see from the pic this dog oozes power and is built for speed i can assure the doubting thomas these dogs are far from dullafghancross.jpg



maybe you should have put a better pic up , they say if you aint got somthing nice to say dont say owt. but, that dog dont ooz power in my mind . to be honest it looks rather thin around the back legs.


like i say its probly a bad pic, and like i said on the previouse post , i have not against afgan crosses . i have herd of a few that can knock hares down no probs

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