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I try to give my lurcher a few veg with his dinner most days. Mostly it's whatever we have left over from dinner, but recently the local knowall told me not to feed broccoli as it's poisonous to dogs. I've checked online and can't see anything to confirm that. It'd be a shame as he loves a bit of broccoli. Can anyone confirm or deny that? Cheers.


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Broccoli Is Safe in Small Amounts, But It Can Be Harmful. Unlike humans, dogs don't need large amounts of fruits and vegetables to live healthy lives. ... According to Dr. Klein, broccoli florets contain isothiocyanates, which can cause mild-to-potentially-severe gastric irritation in some dogs.15 Jul 2016
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It's the same as anything when feeding your dogs ... meat should be the main bulk and whatever you add should be in moderation ... to much onion and garlic can cause Heinz anemia ... carrots are high in sugers so to many of those are bad for the dog ... the list goes on and on .... if everything is fed in sensible amounts then there is no problem ........

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Dogs are not Wolves. Dogs have evolved to eat what we eat. The clearest example of this is Wolves cannot digest starches from grains, whereas 99% of dogs have the genetic mutation that enables them to do so. This means dogs CAN eat anything we can eat with a few exceptions such as raisins

Dog food is a new invention that pretends that dogs have had a separate evolution to humans.

However longdogs are not normal dogs. If you want a fast strong robust dog, and it has a lot of greyhound in it take a bit more notice about what you feed it. This is not being fussy but recognising we ask of these working dogs something completely different to most other dogs. It took a conversation with a greyhound owner to realise this.

I genuinely think that a lot of dogs that don’t make the grade as a result of owners either running them too early or not feeding them a diet that is suitable for a growing longdogs.

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