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Child Grooming Gang In Newcastle 18 Convicted.

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Not forgetting some of those in positions of authority on local councils and such like will have been indoctrinated in left wing idoligy wile at university i believe this was instremental in a lot of the cover ups in Rotherhams CSE cases were you had one of the main culprits a Gordon Jelly who was an active member of the socialist workers party.https://libertygb.org.uk/news/gordon-jelley-swps-rotherham-social-worker-muslim-sex-grooming-gangs

He strikes me as "the nut job's nut job" !

Horrible arrogant piece of work by the sound of things I also am led to believe he was a shop steward for UNISON when at RMBC.

When I was involved in local government unions, back in the late 80s, the SWP was dominant. I met some proper swivel eyed loons, I can tell you !

Sad to see they still seem to be around........


They have also been prominent in local media outlets like the local press making it easy for some corrupt members of the council and labour party to influence what is wrote.Take for instance the Rotherham advertiser another SWP activist is or was one of the main reporters every time an asylum seeker commited a crime of rape he would never report that the said person was an asylum seeker wich imo the public of my town had a right to know.https://www.nuj.org.uk/news/solidarity-with-phil-turner/

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If you turn the tables white gangs raping Pakistani young girls there would be riot's like this country had never seen, we obviously don't really care has much.

The informant in question was paid £10,000 to act as an undercover informant, money well spent? For them convictions yes, should a previous convicted child molester be rewarded not a chance, he should

Has the English man completely given up? This place is far from perfect and we've had the pedo priests and the troubles but it feels like we're leaving the dark ages behind. But I have to say from the

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Not forgetting some of those in positions of authority on local councils and such like will have been indoctrinated in left wing idoligy wile at university i believe this was instremental in a lot of the cover ups in Rotherhams CSE cases were you had one of the main culprits a Gordon Jelly who was an active member of the socialist workers party.https://libertygb.org.uk/news/gordon-jelley-swps-rotherham-social-worker-muslim-sex-grooming-gangs


He strikes me as "the nut job's nut job" !
Horrible arrogant piece of work by the sound of things I also am led to believe he was a shop steward for UNISON when at RMBC.
When I was involved in local government unions, back in the late 80s, the SWP was dominant. I met some proper swivel eyed loons, I can tell you !

Sad to see they still seem to be around........

They have also been prominent in local media outlets like the local press making it easy for some corrupt members of the council and labour party to influence what is wrote.Take for instance the Rotherham advertiser another SWP activist is or was one of the main reporters every time an asylum seeker commited a crime of rape he would never report that the said person was an asylum seeker wich imo the public of my town had a right to know.https://www.nuj.org.uk/news/solidarity-with-phil-turner/

You hear it all the time in the subtle use of reporter's language.....


Both of these have been extensively covered on my local news reports.


A fella was killed in Harlow last year. Every opportunity was take to point out that he was Polish.....every opportunity ! It was almost "don't forget to mention that he's Polish"


An old white fella was killed in Norfolk woods last week..... described on every report as a "pensioner".

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Muslim woman writes on the Newcastle abuse case.....Men are like gold women are like silk.......read it from the Islamic perspective.


This article was written by a bloke...a worrying read none the less Edited by daveee88
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Muslim woman writes on the Newcastle abuse case.....Men are like gold women are like silk.......read it from the Islamic perspective.


This article was written by a bloke...a worrying read none the less


It IS a bloke,i am a dopey f****r sometimes,most of the time actually :laugh:

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Ethnics get results because they take direct action, one of their brothers gets a parking ticket and they riot.

We on the other hand take whatever shit they throw at us, have a good moan then do nothing.

Now I'm not advocating rioting, but just imagine if all the millions of people who voted brexit then add on the remainers who are totally pissed off with this issue just decided not to turn up for work tomorrow, you'd soon get a change of heart from the powers that be.

The country would grind to a halt big time, some people might suffer, in hospitals, care homes etc, but the way things are going I'd rather take the pain just now as opposed to what's coming down the line.

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Jumped before she was pushed?



A Labour MP has resigned from the shadow cabinet after saying Britain has "a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls".

Sarah Champion, shadow women and equalities minister, apologised for her "extremely poor choice of words", which appeared in a column in The Sun newspaper on Friday.

The MP for Rotherham's piece was headlined: "British Pakistani men ARE raping and exploiting white girls... and it's time we faced up to it."

Her remarks came just days after 18 people were convicted of or admitted offences in a series of trials related to child sexual exploitation in Newcastle.


She wrote: "Britain has a problem with British-Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.

"There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is?

"For too long we have ignored the race of these abusers and, worse, tried to cover it up.

"No more. These people are predators and the common denominator is their ethnic heritage."

In stepping down, she said she was doing so "with regret". Jeremy Corbyn said he accepted her resignation and added: "I look forward to working together in the future."

Ms Chapman said: "I apologise for the offence caused by the extremely poor choice of words in The Sun article on Friday.

"I am concerned that my continued position in the shadow cabinet would distract from the crucial issues around child protection which I have campaigned on my entire political career.

"It is therefore with regret that I tender my resignation as shadow secretary of state for women and equalities."

After the column was published, Ms Champion sought to distance herself from the article, saying it had been altered.

But a spokeswoman for The Sun said: "Sarah Champion's column, as it appeared on Friday, was approved by her team and her adviser twice contacted us thereafter to say she was 'thrilled' with the piece and it 'looked great'.

"Indeed, her only objection after the article appeared was her belief that her picture byline looked unflattering. Her office submitted five new pictures for further use."



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I said on hear the womans a fekin hypocrite she's backpeddling now as by telling the truth she has ailianated her core voters and is claiming the sun newspaper has mis construed her article but her office gave the paper the go a head to publish it she is a fekin joke of an M.P voted in by silly idiotic ignorant thick stupid working class morons from my home town and people wonder why I am ashamed to say I live here.https://rotherhampolitics.wordpress.com/2017/08/16/mp-sarah-champion-resigns/

Edited by tatsblisters
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