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Fitness Programme

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Really looking forward to my lurchers first full season and I am getting a good base fitness from walks out, ball work and a bit of day mooching.

I am looking to build on this base fitness mainly with slowly entering the season however I know theirs a wealth of knowledge on here so was curious if anybody had any good links for running dog fitness or any secret tips for peak performance even cut and paste from sites they know atb

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I still get mine out every day in summer mooching (around 2 hours) but just try to stay away from places where I know they will catch. I do more in woodland etc where it's a lot more difficult to catch something but the dogs still get the hunting and exercise.


Come July/August I increase road work to around the 7-8 mile mark 3 times a week. Plus mooching in between. This gets them fairly fit. Nothing like lamping fit though.


I had a quick shine local last night and will lamp once a week now until the end of the month. I'm up Scotland for a weekend at the end of August and then it will be lamping 3 times a week from September onwards as long as we don't get a warm spell.


This was my red Bitch mid summer. As said above not lamp fit but certainly not out of shape...



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Does anybody feed for pre hunt or post hunt ie recovery, or wait till they have cooled down and feed as normal or wait till a morning feed?

You could get 10 different answers to this.


I personally feed a small meal before lamping. Say 5 hours before. Eggs, mackerel, cod liver oil, a bit of lard or lamb fat. Then a big meal after lamping. Plenty of green tripe, chicken mince, chicken carcass etc.


If we are a few hours away I will feed a small meal after lamping and then the main meal when we get


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