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Lamping Crayfish With A Trained Fishing Mink

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Lately its been over 100 °F (38 °C) during the day, so lamping crayfish at night has been a nice escape from the heat. Though locating the crayfish with the lamp does increase our catch a little, the mink is fully capable of catching almost as many on her own without the light. By calling my mink to the crayfish we see in the light, we are able to see her chase (when there is a chase) and catch the crayfish, making it much more interesting for us. Otherwise most of the crayfish she catches would be caught in the reeds and hiding under the bank, were we would see little to nothing of the ordeal.


Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get much on film in regards to a good chase. Most of the crayfish in this video were captured with little to no chase, or the couple times when there was a good chase I just so happened to be standing in the way. Not all of the crayfish Fang captures are as easy and event-less as those you can see in this video. We often get to see some pretty cool chases while out on these crayfish fishing trips. I hope to get some better footage soon. One of the really cool things to watch is when the crayfish are swimming so desperately to get a way from the mink, that they actually pop out of the water, sometimes multiple times, as they flee my mink! The coolest chase I've seen so far was once when a crayfish popped clear out of the water with Fang in hot pursuit, and Fang actually grabbed the crayfish IN THE AIR!!! It all happened right in front of me, making it that much more exciting!!! I hope to put together some better footage for you guys, so you can see some of the exciting chases that were unfortunately missing in this video.






Here are some screen shots from the video..........














Edited by Minkenry
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