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Saw 3 Polecats...

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On sunday morning out with my airgun, sat up against a fence after gutting my rabbits and making a roll up.


Not expecting to see anything, suddenly noticed 3 polecats/ferrets running along the hedge line. Only managed to picture one of them.

In tree root



I saw 2 little ones and one big one (jill with 2 kits???).


Told the land, owner he doesn't think anyone near him has ferrets as no one had ever asked to ferret before.


They didnt seem to put of by me being there. I acctually followed them down the hedge line and shot 2 bolters left one for them, which had gone when i walked back past a few hours later.

In tree root.



Also there must be a hob out there somewhere too.


What do you lot reacon has happened?



Edited by Furrosious ferreter
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Catch them up see what you get looks like a nice ferret there. Recon Aussie Whip got it right been dumped. Last year see some dead ones the road by a gate. Think somebody dumped them in the field then they walked back into the road looking for the owner and got flattened.


Cheers Arry

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