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Give yae the boak the lot of them, shot at dawn comes to mind.

just come out the closet ya homo !

Awe naw ma big secret is out ha ha ha.

My comments seem to have hit a nerve wae you are you one of these gay jobby jabbing antis. Have a nice day.

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Metal health is nothing funny..Makes you wonder why gays are not helped when they start showing signs of it..There's is nothing normal about wanting to bum a man..They need help.

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Have not read the full thread but having a quiet giggle to myself about how many straight, hairy arsed macho men can keep a thread going about gay,s, I know a very gay lady,been like a boy since childhood and when I asked her if she was going she just said, not until you start dressing like a prick and walking down the road shouting about how straight you are, so there is one gay persons veiw of it all,

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Have not read the full thread but having a quiet giggle to myself about how many straight, hairy arsed macho men can keep a thread going about gay,s, I know a very gay lady,been like a boy since childhood and when I asked her if she was going she just said, not until you start dressing like a prick and walking down the road shouting about how straight you are, so there is one gay persons veiw of it all,

Can you be VERY gay ? (Not you personally, obviously !)


Are there degrees of gayness ?


Level 1 (Stephen Fry maybe ?), through Level 5 (Graham Norton ?) right up to a Julian Clary (Level 10 !)

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It is an unnatural act and is only performed for gratification nothing else, be it two males or two females

Unless they're trying to conceive, that why heterosexuals do it, too !

Are you a shirt lifter ?

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Have not read the full thread but having a quiet giggle to myself about how many straight, hairy arsed macho men can keep a thread going about gay,s, I know a very gay lady,been like a boy since childhood and when I asked her if she was going she just said, not until you start dressing like a prick and walking down the road shouting about how straight you are, so there is one gay persons veiw of it all,

Can you be VERY gay ? (Not you personally, obviously !)

Are there degrees of gayness ?

Level 1 (Stephen Fry maybe ?), through Level 5 (Graham Norton ?) right up to a Julian Clary (Level 10 !)

I believe so, from my angle on this what I would describe as a normal gay just lives in a same sex relationship and gets on with life as any of us would but then there seems to be the politically motivated ram it down your throat and force it on everyone as something normal type like your Julian Clary,s, personally I,m fine with the first type but have little to no time for the latter though I don't think there is much chance of our life paths crossing so let em get on with there,s and I,ll plod on with mine
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It is an unnatural act and is only performed for gratification nothing else, be it two males or two females

Unless they're trying to conceive, that why heterosexuals do it, too !

Are you a shirt lifter ?


Straight as a die, me !


My daughter's gay, if that counts for anything ?

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Are the more unsavoury comments here aimed only at gay men, or are lesbians included, too ?

Just wondered.......


just the fag's,love to watch the rug munchers rimming.no better sight.

It's a beautiful thing for sure...............................within reason

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Have you tried taking her to get help mate or ?

Why ?


She's happy - as long as she is, so am I !


She's in a long term, stable relationship, well-educated, good job, no money worries......all you could want for your child, really !

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