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Heard yesterday about some lads reported about coursing on an estate near me, thing is the day they were seen was the hottest day of the year 30 degrees plus and it was 11am, 3 dogs running a hare when the keepers turned up lads driving their scooby through standing crops. Dogs left running and lads did a runner after managing to grab one of the dogs............


Police now have the two other dogs.


This post is not about the rights or wrongs of poaching, nor is it about driving fields but come on.....running dogs in that sort of heat???


imo not true dog lads nor even what you could call sporting

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Hence why the game is fcucked now and I can't believe some people are just starting to get into the sport now,when most of them can't even use there legs what god gave them to use never mind going out in the heat and breeding season to eh top men.

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This is a sign of the state the coursing game is in now. These clowns are the intenet wonders who have drifted into the game since the Hunting Act came into force.Would any land owner /Farmer give these dregs permission or even allow them on their land no is the simple answer. Even the dog breeders have on the whole become dog peddlars in it for the coin and any buyer will do. Its just a continuous downward spiral. .As the older dogmen leave the sport or have passed away these new gunslingers want names on wanted posters and kills in the twenties before June is finished. Its ok lads say we are not like that, its not the genuine stockmen and the respectable young ones who are portrayed to joe public but these internet/facebook wannabees who will after a couple of summers have moved on to their next aventure. They dont deserve dogs shouldnt have dogs and if caught should be banned from owning stock and even driving they are f***ing liabilities to us all.

Edited by desertbred
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Not that I'm condoning their actions,destroying property,abandoning dogs,and coursing when young hares are around .

But what sort of temps are saluki type dogs coursing in the Middle East ? Or galgo hunting in Spain etc

Majority ofthem dogs are born to it and the heat is a dry heat not humid and you wont find people in theMiddle East runninng around near mid day,

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Met a group of lads on their way out on the land I walk daily just a few days ago, they were clearly not locals having a had a quick chat with them, they had 4 saluki types dogs in tow middle of summer red hot day ground is bone hard, sweetcorn growing on most of the land and they were clearly out coursing? Come colder weather and winter months I never see a soul on the same land. Strange world.

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Just to add these w@nkers were from out of the county but the police wouldn't tell the keepers where they were from, one of the dogs had a chip in it so wouldn't suprise me if it was stolen, hopefully the rightful owner will get a shout if it was nicked.


The crop they drove all over was maize about a foot tall so snapped off and destroyed, the cost of the damage they did has been estimated in the thousands and also reports have come in about the same vehicle been seen driving all over sugarbeet fields.


With all the increase in people driving fields someone is going to get killed or at least seriously injured whether it be landowner/keeper or doglad and when that does happen someone will be looking at a major sentence............is that worth it for a hare?

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