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Yet to see any faster at ratting and they have wonderful noses for finding.

there are dogs being dug to but the problem was a lot were bred as pets or as a country type dog, these were being sold using D.B Plummers name and the interst in his books etc.

so a lot never see any work but are being bred from because they will bring £200+ all day and are easy to get homes for.

Would i buy another?

i would find it difficult to get a dog that i would want to buy from good working stock, less and less are working them but more and more are being bred.

the breed clubs are just bothered about colour, size and what they look like.

Ive been booted out more times because i want to breed worker to worker and dont care about the outcome.


So do i out cross if i breed from my good bitch or do i use a plummer dog, the trouble is there are 3 dogs that are worked hard that i think are worth using, 3 out of hundreds..the breeds a mess sadly

Will not fit an MFR will fit MK1

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