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A good explanation of the reality of the case from http://www.melaniephillips.com/cruel-ignorant-campaign/ The agonising case of Charlie Gard, the 11-month old baby dying from a rare form of mitochon

Feckin scumbag judges - it'll cost them nothing to keep their noses out and allow the parents to decide for THEIR child.   A chance, no matter how small, is still a chance.   I really do feel that

I wish the parents would just let the boy die. Even IF this treatment works, what quality of life will he have? Question: if you were told today that your own life would be rewound to your birth, and



Bolloxs neo, so the state should let every parent make every decision for there child?

If the parents themselves are grown adults who are responsible citizens and were capable of bringing the child into the world, then of course they have the right to make all decisions for their children.

Your not one of these trolls are you. Amazing

You're not one of those troll cry babies that can't stand an opposing view are you? Incredible.

Anyway, back to reality........there wouldn't be a life support machine left spare in the country with your way ;-)

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Resources are finite is it right that a child with no hope should be using those resources when a child with hope could be using them I don't think so ... someone has to draw a line .


It seems like this argument's coming up more and more often,I've heard it said about fat people and people who drink too much in the last couple of days.


'But what impact will it have on the NHS?',as if it's some sort of holy grail.

The lad's parents have raised the funds,so it doesn't effect anyone else.

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Well the decision has been made , write or wrong !

And now it's a matter of time , god help,the little mite

Spot on Dave.


That's probably the most apt thing said on this thread ........ God help the little mite indeed mate.


When the time comes - May he rest in peace.

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Resources are finite is it right that a child with no hope should be using those resources when a child with hope could be using them I don't think so ... someone has to draw a line .

It seems like this argument's coming up more and more often,I've heard it said about fat people and people who drink too much in the last couple of days.


'But what impact will it have on the NHS?',as if it's some sort of holy grail.

The lad's parents have raised the funds,so it doesn't effect anyone else.

But people who smoke drink or who are over weight have hope this child didn't have any hope Even if the American surgery was successfull there would still be no quality of life for the kid...I'm the son of a knackers yard man maybe I have a knackers yard mentality but that's how I see it .

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The reality is that the parents were wanting to take the child abroad, but the NHS refused.

Do you honestly believe that the NHS, the government and the judges didn't have the child's best interests at heart? Perhaps it's a big conspiracy and they all got together just to spite him and his parents? Wilko's have got tinfoil on sale!

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Why do you assume I haven't looked into the case?


The situation is who decides? the panel or the parents.....as i said previously who decides whether a child continues to live or not?


That's the situation. Do some research other than the regurgitated rhetoric that's churned out.


It's about choice.


You take choice away......that's it, game over

The parents are given a lot of choices, I know I've been there. But when they start thinking that keeping the kid Alice so they have a child is more important than stopping the ongoing pain the doctors have to make medical decisions.


To a degree in agree we should get choices but at the same time we aren't medical professionals so ultimately the doctors should be allowed to do what they have to do

People should always have choices wether they are medical professionals or not. Some people don't like making choices because most of the time people are misinformed or choose not to inform themselves.


The problem is where do you draw the line.

Do you take away life support from all the other people that rely on all types of medical machinery aswell as those who rely on drugs and medicine's to keep them alive artificially?


To look at the case and come to the conclusion that the Doctors in the UK have only the child's best interest at, is absurd. As Doctors it is their duty and service to provide whatever treatment may help a patient and to increase life expectancy, not to override the choices and decisions of the parents.

no its the parents right at all! If you want that right you do the training and have the equipment at home.


It's the doctors responsibility to make the best choice possible and there aim isn't to extend life expectancy but improve quality and that lad had no quality at all

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Resources are finite is it right that a child with no hope should be using those resources when a child with hope could be using them I don't think so ... someone has to draw a line .

It seems like this argument's coming up more and more often,I've heard it said about fat people and people who drink too much in the last couple of days.


'But what impact will it have on the NHS?',as if it's some sort of holy grail.

The lad's parents have raised the funds,so it doesn't effect anyone else.

But people who smoke drink or who are over weight have hope this child didn't have any hope Even if the American surgery was successfull there would still be no quality of life for the kid...I'm the son of a knackers yard man maybe I have a knackers yard mentality but that's how I see it .



That's a different argument,and a decision best left for the parents imo.


It's one thing the NHS refusing treatment to a lost cause,quite another for them to take you to court and not allow you to get better treatment elsewhere.

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