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Is The Uk In Crisis?

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Disregard those in power ,its only fleeting in the scheme of things .No disrespect to anyone in our armed forces but I think your time would of been better spent here ,protecting us rather than in a fareaway land .Exactly what right did we have to march into another country just because they do things different .The government of the time ,labour under Blair is solely responsible for any death from terror on UK soil .No bombs were dropped in my name nor most of Britain but we had no say .We are now in a position where Britain is paying the price for one mans ego and I am not prepared to let that be our destiny .My children ,future grandchildren born in this land ,and their future ,mean more to me than any treacherous government .The tide will turn I'm sure of it backed by British stubbornness. It's very plain to see the public no longer fear that speaking out is taboo, that we have a voice that will be heard and it's a very stupid government that dosnt listen to the people .The London marches such as the EDL are gathering pace far quicker than the police can cope or government wants to acknowledge and will be on such a March when things kick off big time I'm sure of it which will be the catalyst for revolt .It's plain for anyone to see its now left to the man in the street to do what our taxes should cover .

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I'm not bailing out at the first sign of adversity I want to leave a country that has pissed all over me ... I spent a massive part of my life serving this country laying my life on the line so that we can live freely and without fear only to realise that the leaders of this country couldn't give a fukc about me or my fellow countrymen and would rather give everything to the very people that want to harm harm .... I don't see why I should show any loyalty to a country that has no loyalty to me ........


Fair enough mate, fcuk the politicians, fcuk the establishment, but remember there are millions of people who totally agree with your sentiments and views.

Would it not be better to stay and do something.

England alones population just bust the 55 million mark, even discounting the immigrants, the liberals, the fcuking illegals and the cowards that leaves a shit load of decent people that could and should step up.

I genuinely don't know why it hasn't happened yet.

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The thing is it's not just one group of people that are the problem, it seems like where ever you look there are lots of obscure groups with different agendas trying to undermine society or what's left of it, the fire in that block of flats showed how brazen they are and feel they have the right to take to the streets using it as a political football.


I really wonder if 2/3s of the population are just completely brainwashed?


If any of you have time to watch the Yuri video I would be very interested to know what you think, the way he describes how to subvert a country bears a striking resemblance to what we've had for the last 30+ years. Obviously the Soviets and KGB are no more today but maybe the likes of Soros and these weird organisations are using the same tactic to finish the job.

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UK cant be that bad millions of illegal immigrants cant all be wrong,would have totally been up crap creek however if dopey bollocks had won and turned it into corbynistan :thumbs:



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im abit to long in the tooth to be uping sticks now , illjust carry on ,.its just this pandering to imigrants i cant get my head around ..and you know what .. i dont give a flying fk about there plight ,.we are a island nation , not the worlds dustbin!!, charity begins at home

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the answer to the question is yes.you work all you life paying your taxes and when you stop working at 70 years old or whatever it is going up to you get £120 a week.now all your life you pay tax,you pay tax on all goods,pay tax on your insurance,pay tax on your savings yet these freeloaders come here and get a new house and every single benifit available.who is the mug and why do we put up with this crap

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Good job we don't all bail out at the first sign of adversity .Thankfully most of England made of sterner stuff .There are tough times ahead but I'd rather face that than watch the news from abroad .Actually looking forward to a shake up because it's long overdue .

You do realise that reading old copies of Spearhead and logging on to Stormfront don't actually constitute "facing adversity" don't you?

It sort of breaks down when you pull in the paki garage and fill up with diesel !


Some of us have been there and done it, got the t shirt.....know what I mean ;)

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Those of us who cant or wont run away are in for a horrific time in the coming years, its too late for me but Im always onto my kids to get my grandchildren away from this shithole, we've lost the UK if there is no drastic action taken in the next few years and whatever happens its going to get ugly

Mate let me tell you what's going to happen, f**k all that's what ! ;)

People think sitting at home on their fat arse muttering about things amounts to doing something......well, it don't.

They are not on some front line giving a face and a voice in their everyday interactions to their bullshit, they are all talk and no f***ing do.

Special branch and a polite society saw to the lads years ago who were actually out day to day "doing something"........nobody batted an eyelid, too uncouth, too overtly ill mannered and vicious.

Theres lads who had to get out of Britain in the early 90s and have never been able to return.

A load of f***ing wallys talking like they are about to go over the top at the Somme is f***ing laughable.

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I didn't really mean to start another 'enrichment' thread but it can't just be me that feels like things are getting crazier and crazier? It seems like there is a concerted effort to undermine anything that is normal and to actively promote anything that isn't. Every time I try and put this into words I fail lol, the description of cultural marxism definitely seemed accurate to what is happening today it's like everything is upside down. Whether or not all the wacky stuff is down to the efforts of the KGB to destabilize the west in the 60s doesn't really matter it's entirely possible 'we' have done this to ourselves since there's enough loonies in our own country.


P.S Ten years ago nobody in their right mind would have believed school kids would be getting encouraged to wear the uniform of the opposite sex yet there were stories in the papers not long ago of that happening...It's insane

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The Conservative Manifesto now boasts it will make the UK the safest place to be online which means more mass surveillance and censorship. I've always thought that governments like terror attacks because they can push through more and more legislation. When we have no ability to exercise free speech or criticize those that wish to do us harm we are going to be in a very bad place.

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