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Is The Uk In Crisis?

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Greek mate, give him a listen :)


Here's one just for you, save it for when you have a spare hour you want to kill but this is very interesting and will blow your mind....what is going on today could be the effect of what started out as Soviet/KGB subversion going back to the 50s and 60s.


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Yep, hits the nail on the head.....I have said before, I don't think people in Britain realise just how bad a place they are in.


Oh yeh it's bad, we are heading for a disaster but probably not the kind that people imagine like civil war, more likely a highly authoritarian government to keep us all in check.


The KGB video is what the first guy was referencing early on in the video, it's really a separate subject but it is very eye opening if you like me are wondering how the f**k we got to this point. The audience are laughing at his jokes, this was back during the Reagan era, I bet a lot of them aren't laughing now.

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Well its my home its also been through much worse and came out the other side.

not about to abandon it! Even with its faults there no other place i would rather be.

By place, I meant situation mate....I should have been clearer about that.

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Well its my home its also been through much worse and came out the other side.

not about to abandon it! Even with its faults there no other place i would rather be.


I'm the same I've had the opportunity to live almost anywhere in the world and could still move abroad if I wanted to but I chose this little corner of North Wales because there is no better countryside or people than the UK.


I just thought it was worth sharing this guys opinion because he has a well reasoned argument and I have felt for a while that things have been going down the toilet and the future generations are not even going to know what they're missing.


Watch that Yuri video when you get a chance though, I am sure you will like it

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If I had the means I would be gone from this country yesterday ......


Where would you go?


I'm keeping my eye on Poland and Hungary, they seem to have politicians that look after their own.....but I would rather stay here, this is our country and we shouldn't have to leave it

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If I had the means I would be gone from this country yesterday ......


Where would you go?


I'm keeping my eye on Poland and Hungary, they seem to have politicians that look after their own.....but I would rather stay here, this is our country and we shouldn't have to leave it

Noble sentiments chaps, I took this view, the country don't seem to give a f**k about me or itself so there was no reason to think the situation would improve for my children.

I wasn't prepared to risk them.

I just couldn't condem them to modern Britain, specially my end of the country.

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If I had the means I would be gone from this country yesterday ......

Where would you go?


I'm keeping my eye on Poland and Hungary, they seem to have politicians that look after their own.....but I would rather stay here, this is our country and we shouldn't have to leave it

Noble sentiments chaps, I took this view, the country don't seem to give a f**k about me or itself so there was no reason to think the situation would improve for my children.

I wasn't prepared to risk them.

I just couldn't condem them to modern Britain, specially my end of the country.



That is what sickens me, I don't care about my future, I'm 45 I've had an ok life but it absolutely kills me to see what our kids will inherit if things carry on like this.


I could see what was coming for us when I went down the road to my home village and decided to bail out before it came to us....we now have room to breath but is it going to follow us here?

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Good job we don't all bail out at the first sign of adversity .Thankfully most of England made of sterner stuff .There are tough times ahead but I'd rather face that than watch the news from abroad .Actually looking forward to a shake up because it's long overdue .

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