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  On 21/05/2019 at 19:46, Deker said:

Lets get this straight, I would love to find/have proved the existence of Big Cats in the Wild in the UK, but I am not impressed by stupid media articles, blurry pics of someone's pet moggy or deer eaten by fox etc, or people saying we have pics of road kills but body’s,s get removed rather quickly for obvious reason we have lots of other pics but owners won't let me show them,  and every lab in the country lies, I am even less impressed when someone tells me to f**k off if I don't immediately fall in line with their thinking!

Show me some evidence, I've not seen any yet, just speculation from someone who is desperate to find Big Cats but clutching at straws, and so obsessed with finding something he simply swears at anyone who dares to be sceptical.  I get the impression if the entire population linked hands right across the country and walked non stop to John O'Groats but found nothing, someone would suggest the cats walked between their legs and escaped, all 250 or more of them!


Why do you care so much tho. Theirs plenty of threads on here i dissagre with . I just dont go on them 

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I will donate this camera to your cat hunting if you would like it  lumix fz72 60x zoom 

Was out for a walk with the dogs this morning, bumped into a fellow I sort of know through a lot of common interests we often stop for a chat,he hunts a bit and likes his old cars I have something for

Just re reading the whole thread and you’ve come under some real stick mate .Apologies for my part .Doesn’t mean I’m a believer just embarrassing some of the comments 

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  On 21/05/2019 at 20:32, Welsh_red said:

Why do you care so much tho. Theirs plenty of threads on here i dissagre with . I just dont go on them 


Lets get this straight, I would love to find/have proved the existence of Big Cats in the Wild in the UK.

Did you miss that bit?

Flippen ek, I don't disagree with it, I don't like being told to f**k Off because I think the evidence shown is NOT EVIDENCE!

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  On 21/05/2019 at 20:47, Deker said:

Lets get this straight, I would love to find/have proved the existence of Big Cats in the Wild in the UK.

Did you miss that bit?

Flippen ek, I don't disagree with it, I don't like being told to f**k Off because I think the evidence shown is NOT EVIDENCE!


Decker stop being a cock....let it go...

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Decker some people are interested in in this thread. As said before most of my mates have seen one, I haven't but they our are fecking good mates good country men and I for one I am not about to call them liars. Better men than you have seen them and you are a brave man to call them liars because basically that's what you're doing. Now as I said before if you are not interested then leave it to people that are.

Cheers Arry

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  On 21/05/2019 at 21:38, Arry said:

Decker some people are interested in in this thread. As said before most of my mates have seen one, I haven't but they our are fecking good mates good country men and I for one I am not about to call them liars. Better men than you have seen them and you are a brave man to call them liars because basically that's what you're doing. Now as I said before if you are not interested then leave it to people that are.

Cheers Arry


I'm interested in the thread.   Kindly note I have not called anyone a liar or sworn at anyone, even though that appears the norm for some here.   I suspect many are very genuine in their views but...…… which part of pretty much all of my posts have people failed to understand?

Where is the EVIDENCE?

This thread has been going the best part of 2 years and in that time there has been nothing proved in any way...how long does it take to find some evidence?

I suspect the same blurry pics and daft media articles will still be posted 2 years from now.

I'll leave you to it then, perhaps I'll look back in a couple of years and see who has proved their existence.

And like I said, If I find one I will be the first to broadcast it to the world, I'll not be keeping it a secret.


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  On 22/05/2019 at 08:31, Rusty_terrier said:

I've seen the loch Ness monster , aliens , the royal family as lizards and the real footage of who shot JFK. If you don't believe me then you can f**k off. 


On a serious note I was genuinely interested in this thread.  However since having my wee boy I've been to various zoos and nature parks all over the world and the thing I'm most interested in is the big cats. I've seen lions, tigers, jaguars, leapords some with the condition making then appear black, mountain lion,lynx ,Scottish wildcats you name it. 


Not one shred of evidence be it video or photo makes me think of any the above. Like you im interested to see what the claims are based in and so far it seems nothing.

I'm not interested in seeing anybody fail I'd genuinely like to see the solid evidence that convinces them they are out there. Just a shame when you point out the obvious and state facts your told to leave. 


Take your son to exmoor zoo, you can see the melonistic leopards and talk with people who know?


  On 22/05/2019 at 07:26, Deker said:

I'm interested in the thread.   Kindly note I have not called anyone a liar or sworn at anyone, even though that appears the norm for some here.   I suspect many are very genuine in their views but...…… which part of pretty much all of my posts have people failed to understand?

Where is the EVIDENCE?

This thread has been going the best part of 2 years and in that time there has been nothing proved in any way...how long does it take to find some evidence?

I suspect the same blurry pics and daft media articles will still be posted 2 years from now.

I'll leave you to it then, perhaps I'll look back in a couple of years and see who has proved their existence.

And like I said, If I find one I will be the first to broadcast it to the world, I'll not be keeping it a secret.



I,ve really tried to ignore you as I,m actually feeling embarrassed for you, so far I,ve invited you to my home, to a night at the university were you will meet much more educated people than myself who certainly won’t tell you to f**k off, have said you are welcome to come along to the fishing comp and I will hand you over my iPad and lap top, I put a video up with a tracker from Africa and I put up his qualifications, you actually refused to watch it then called me a liar because I wouldn’t tell you what he found, I know it’s really hard on the internet as wit and sense of humour don’t come across the same, but the only conclusion I can draw from that is you probably have something wrong with you, I only started doing this in 2015 and every year I see more things that help fill in the missing pieces of the jigsaw and leave me in no doubt I,m moving in the right direction, I,m perfectly happy and willing to share and I,ve met some great people while I have done so, on your closing line you make an extraordinary statement that if you find one,, it’s not a lost handbag but an elusive animal that has not been seen by the majority of native people in its home lands so the chances of someone that is so blinkered as yourself FINDING ONE are probably a little bit low, hope that clears things up for you and I haven’t offended you to much trying to explain it but if I have I don’t care at all as the only person in all this that I need to prove anything to is myself  ?

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  On 22/05/2019 at 11:33, Rusty_terrier said:

We've seen a couple of them in Mexico and a melonistic jaguar the other day in Tenerife.  The sign said the melonistic ones count for about 6% of the population. Which makes black cat sightings even less credible or if true even more incredible. I do believe the odd few escapees exist but doubt we have breeding populations. 


The pet trade in England was supplied from the Malay peninsula were a majority of leopards are melonistic and two melonistic leopards will produce 100 percent black cubs, unlike jaguars which is a very different animal and is not in England and never have been ?so there is a tick for that one,,  also escapees and released pets would of expired from old age by now so any sightings today were bred in the uk it’s very simple maths, the reason that everybody was seeing these cats in the 80s early 90s were they were released pets that had not developed a full set of survival skills but cats probably more than most animals will revert to there wild ways quicker than most animals and those that have survived have simply learned to blend in and avoid confrontation and until we have a large population or develop massive areas of green belt the chances of anything more than the odd fleeting glimpse is massively unlikely,, I suggested exmoor zoo because not only do they have a few of these, but they are also very aware of the situation going on in the countryside around them as was the previous owner of Dartmoor zoo and the previous owner of the Kent cat project or whatever it’s called, the one on telly that’s just been taken over by the Aussie bloke ??


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  On 22/05/2019 at 12:32, Greyman said:

https://mountainlion.org/CAL_ch4.asp as well as the black leopard this is the other cat we get and if you take your time to read and digest it you will realise how easy it is for them to avoid us  ? the majority of Americans and Canadians have never seen one despite relatively large numbers in there home ranges ??


Top stuff that G ?

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  On 22/05/2019 at 18:32, foxdropper said:

Why don’t you import a few plot hounds Greyman .I would pay for a day cat hunting as long as I got to bag one .


I have a 5year old lurched  a 9 and 15 year old terrier, have to accept that with my age I don’t really have time to get a new pack up together and train them ,my next dog will probably be a bull type companion, if he can track a scent all the better,  we don’t have the large areas to turn them out and wait for them to start giving tongue most of my areas that I look round are a bit to close to the motorway network and railway lines plus I,m sneaking into quarry,s and places I shouldn’t be so a pack of dogs would be a bit of a no no, I love watching Richie on mountain men and really envy the space and snow cover he has but alas I,m stuck with what I have might be a goer in areas like the Brecons if anyone in that area fancied giving it a go, ??

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