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I will donate this camera to your cat hunting if you would like it  lumix fz72 60x zoom 

Was out for a walk with the dogs this morning, bumped into a fellow I sort of know through a lot of common interests we often stop for a chat,he hunts a bit and likes his old cars I have something for

Just re reading the whole thread and you’ve come under some real stick mate .Apologies for my part .Doesn’t mean I’m a believer just embarrassing some of the comments 

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2 hours ago, foxdropper said:

Christ there’s some imaginations out there .

Its turning into one of those things where the more shit is spouted the more the next poster  wants to add .

Why not get some ‘in season ‘leopard piss from one of these zoos apparently complacent with cats here in the uk .
They could do there bit in the ultimate pic .Bring males  in for miles with pheromones but wait a minute ,nothing proactive is ever done because that’s too much like admitting they ain’t there when it dosnt work .Why not shoot deer ,beg farm kills and set up trail cams on them in known spots if they are carrion eaters .

Its getting very straw grabbing lads ,can we keep to facts not fiction .
All the guess work and conjecture in the world still won’t magic something that clearly ain’t there .

Can use Calvin Klein instead 



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18 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Is there any kind of stats or guesses at what amount of these cats maybe entering the country illegally if any ?

I did look one year and I think 12 had been intercepted entering the country illegally but that does not say how many got through ?

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4 hours ago, keepdiggin said:

It’s nature mate I believe they would every wild animal lives to breed imo 

Correct mate.

3 hours ago, Greb147 said:

It's no good wandering around though if there's nothing to breed with. 

In their natural habitat there is females in their territory, being an escapee from England in the middle of nowhere is another matter. 

Greb, yer man above is completely correct. Every living species has perpetuating it's own species inbuilt in it's dna, EVERY species.

Travelling a couple of hundred, or a few hundred miles, looking for a mate,  will be totally normal for any big cat, whether it's in india, africa, nepal or northumberland

Edited by shaaark
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13 minutes ago, shaaark said:

Correct mate.

Greb, yer man above is completely correct. Every living species has perpetuating it's own species inbuilt in it's dna, EVERY species.

Travelling a couple of hundred, or a few few hundred miles, looking for a mate,  will be totally normal for any big cat, whether it's in india, africa, nepal or northumberland

That's just not true when there's likely no mates out there giving such cats signs. 

A big cat just doesn't go wandering hundreds of miles looking for mates without a sniff of one. 

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1 minute ago, Rusty_terrier said:

While I'm sceptical about breeding populations the odd one that's brought in illegally and released when they realise it's a handful i could buy into. These maybe wouldnt survive on their own I'm the wild. How long would a cat take to die if it was un fed?

If that occurred then the cat would survive without question IMO.

Domestic cats arnt taught by mother when bought as pets at 8 weeks old yet they are born killers as soon as they can get out .No reason why a semi tame large cat wouldn’t master the art double quick ,if they were out there .If not it would  hang round human habitat providing the perfect opportunity for that special selfie ,killing easy livestock as best it could .

The lack of anything factual sits very well with the yes camp as it helps promote a certain elusiveness that not many seem to want to question .The myth is worth more than the actual findings .

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10 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

While I'm sceptical about breeding populations the odd one that's brought in illegally and released when they realise it's a handful i could buy into. These maybe wouldnt survive on their own I'm the wild. How long would a cat take to die if it was un fed?

That's the only plausible explanation if you ask me. 

Even if one did escape and manage to survive, the chances of that cat locating other cats to mate with his highly unlikely if you ask me. 

Let's not forget that these escapees wouldn't have the same fear of man or the secretive instincts a wild cat as. 


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11 minutes ago, Rusty_terrier said:

Even if that's what greyman isnchasong it's still pretty cool. The reason I think it could be the above is because I'm sure if you were dumping one of these cats you ain't opening the front door and booting it out. Makes sense they would be dumped and spotted in remote locations .


As for breeding I ain't clued up enough to say it is or isn't a possibility. 

What gets me though is going by the number of reported sightings and such they aren't all that elusive if these are true. 

Don't you think that by now that someone who has an interest in them would have got some good quality footage of them? 

And like as been said by me and a few others, if there is breeding populations spreading about making their own territories then why have none been found dead on the roadside, that would be inevitable by now IMO. 

Edited by Greb147
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