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I will donate this camera to your cat hunting if you would like it  lumix fz72 60x zoom 

Was out for a walk with the dogs this morning, bumped into a fellow I sort of know through a lot of common interests we often stop for a chat,he hunts a bit and likes his old cars I have something for

Just re reading the whole thread and you’ve come under some real stick mate .Apologies for my part .Doesn’t mean I’m a believer just embarrassing some of the comments 

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16 hours ago, South hams hunter said:

Clearest sighting I've seen ....




Should possibly leave your house then, north Devon shows not a million miles from you, lots of reports of sightings from all round you  yesterday, it's actually embarrassing you could be considered a journalist?      to ptd87 I,m not interested in moggy,s and maybe you don't even have a gun but as with everyone else if you should ever happen to shoot one, (a proper leopard size cat) instead of burying or burning the body I ,will buy it from you and have it collected for scientific research, there will be no questions asked and no names needed ??

Edited by Greyman
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4 hours ago, Greyman said:

 if you should ever happen to shoot one, (a proper leopard size cat) instead of burying or burning the body I ,will buy it from

How much for a UK shot leopard with provenance?What would it be worth on the open market?

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Just now, W. Katchum said:

Ain’t one newspapers got an open reward for one?

Im sure a genuine crystal clear picture of one . If the paper were given exclusive rights or whatever could be plenty of thousands 

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I do have a short film shot on an iPhone that I,ve been told is being offered to the papers at the moment don't know what has been asked or offered, the girl that filmed it said she was going to try and sell it to the papers after she sent us a copy ?? Regarding the sightings reported I don't have the specifics,people come to the shows and visit the big cat stand there are charts you can stick coloured stickers on in sections you agree with or not, and there are witness statement forms that people can fill in if they want, this is how you know of areas with good form because if 10 people that have never met all saw the same thing in the same place a pattern emerges, so if someone contacted me and said I saw a puma in Devon at  such and such place I can check with the guy that keeps the data if anyone else has reported the same and that then makes it worth looking a bit closer, had 6 sightings reported last year by different people non of them new the others and all happened within 5 miles of each other so I have put up a couple of cameras there and so it goes,

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