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Fairytale of New York

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Just been listening to Radio 1 in the car,apparently they banned the word "faggot" from the line of the song.They played the song,but had censored it,by removing the word from the line

"you scumbag,

you maggot,

you cheap lousy faggot"

F*****g P.C gone berserk :thumbdown: ,and these c***s take money off me for a tv licence :censored: They have now allowed the song to be played in full,after a record number of complaints about there "censorship" of the lyrics.Even gay rights groups were asking why the word had been deemed offensive.

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What's going to happen to mr. Brains Faggots?

Are they going to call them Mr. Brains Lumps of meat with gravy?

What about in the chippy. "Hi, can I have chips, mushy peas and some of those meat lumps with gravy!"

It could get even worse, Black pudding will be called 'Ethnic' pudding, Ginger beer will have to be called 'Ginger flavoured soft drink, (because of the rhyming slang) etc. etc. :laugh:




What a load of bo**ocks! You won't be able to speak in english, in this country before long!

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i had heard about this on my local radio about radio one banning the pogues song ,whatever next maybe the lines "ya scumbag ya maggot ya cheap lousy faggot""

were a bit too close to home bunch of messers again the pc brigade have gone OTT whatever next 3 sightely challenged mice p155 off !!! :angry:

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i had heard about this on my local radio about radio one banning the pogues song ,whatever next maybe the lines "ya scumbag ya maggot ya cheap lousy faggot""

were a bit too close to home bunch of messers again the pc brigade have gone OTT whatever next 3 sightely challenged mice p155 off !!! :angry:


have they banned "mince "pies :blink:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:laugh: Funny; Only last week I was chatting to an old british mate in a Chat Room heavily frequented by Yanks. He mentioned he was having faggots for dinner and that set us off!


Ye'll get the idea when I pronounced I was gagging for a fag. The told him I had a lovely fag between my lips and was about to start sucking! :laugh:


Gets much colder tonight, I'll be down in that cow shed with a fag in my mouth and giving my Log Splitter some action too! MATRON!!!

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I heard the song on the Scott Mills show for the first time this winter the other day and he apologised for the censorship, they were talking about it on the news today after complaints. No other radio station seems to be doing it though. Have Radio 1 now restored the original?


I don't listen to the radio very often, that i've had it on twice over the last 3 days or so is a record for me! Normally I listen to cd's in the car.

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no no no you see its all wrong. in the US the rappers and "Gangsta's" say what ever they want on the radio justifying it by saying "Its art! this is our portrayal of our lifestyle, of life on the street! this is HISTORY in the making!"

...or something like that....


isnt this song about coming to American for the first time back in the depression era? i dont know...the above works for the rappers.... but not for the white guys lol

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Funny story...


I grew up in a small coal mining town north of here where faggots (the meat lumps in gravy kind) were a standard item in most bars and meat markets. The bars had them simmering in beer. The mines changed shifts early in the afternoon and a lot of the guys stopped off on the way home for a drink and snack to hold them over until dinner. I ate a lot of faggots growing up. Dunked buttered bread in the gravy to get it all. But...


I moved away from there, walked into a bar and asked, "Where can you find faggots around here?" It wasn't pretty. It's a lot funnier looking back on it than it was at the time though.


I still go back every once in a while, and you still buy them there as faggots. I bring some home, but when I serve 'em to anyone not from my home town I call them "liver and heart sausage".

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never heard of them. growing up the teachers made it a point to teach us that a faggot(fagot?) was a piece of wood used to start fires.... so it would lose the thrill of kids calling other kids that name. didnt work... and ass is a donkey, but when you call someone a jack ass they know you arent talking about long eared braying horses....


and then later on in life i learned a fag is also a cigarette.... which makes me wonder how it ever came to define someone who is gay.. (oops, that means happy... queer? that means strange... so i suppose that would be the best PC term! but it still doesnt rhyme with maggot....

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