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Huge Fire In London

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The palace is long overdue an upgrade. Money well spent. Its the heart of British culture.   Lets count up how much has been spent on minorities from daft grants and commuinty projects. Oh and let

It will go like this, they will all get given state of the art housing and a cold fortune found to do it all because of the demographic of that area. Same as when poor little Damilola Taylor was stab

I'd rehome them, back in the shit holes they came from.

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Yes and now someone been on the news saying that's not enough

200 mill wouldn't be enough


That Muslim woman earlier was banging on making it about Islam


I'm sure she said we live in a Muslim world ffs


As I said has all the victims of Islamic slaughter sing 7/7 had 5 mill thrown at them ?????


Now go back under your rock treacherous dog.

No, the 7/7 victims didn't get £5million.


They got £11million.



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It will go like this, they will all get given state of the art housing and a cold fortune found to do it all because of the demographic of that area.

Same as when poor little Damilola Taylor was stabbed to death by his own people, they chucked a fortune at the north Peckham estate.......no expense spared.

I can't help but feel, as horrible as a thought it is, that if you were some middle class white bloke with a family out in the burbs and your house burned down nobody would give a shit about you and you certainly wouldn't have the prime minister, the mayor and Uncle Tom cobbly turning up to support you.

Couldn't afford insurance?.......too f***ing bad !

Peoples house's burn down every day mate & no one gives a shit. Poor people, middle class & rich people, ask a firemen.

....& how many do we here about? I don't really get your point? Apart from your obvious contempt of dark people.

So Damiola Taylor is one example, so what are all the others that eclipse the treatment of white people during times of disaster? & Id say a whole block of flats going up is quite disaster, wouldn't you?

Edited by Accip74
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What we really need here is a comprehensive list of victims, giving clear examples of colour & religion, so we know what level of sympathy to feel?


Mostly white? Light some candles?

Mostly Muslim or black? Open the champagne maybe?

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How long did they wait for it ??


Did they storm council buildings en masse


Or did they let protocol ' investigation ect ect take it's course ???


Those were murdered


This was a tragic accident that experts are trying to investigate and piece together and you have a few hundred idiots expecting the answers in 2 days.

What immediate need for money did the victims of 7/7 have? Were they left with no house, clothes or belongings? That's the only reason funds have been made available so quick on this case.

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Buckingham palace has hundreds of bedrooms. There are empty (second) houses galore lying empty in Kensington. Those people could be temporarily homed there tonight if the will to do it was there.

Whole blocks of empty flats owned by foreign investors in that area.

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Buckingham palace has hundreds of bedrooms. There are empty (second) houses galore lying empty in Kensington. Those people could be temporarily homed there tonight if the will to do it was there.

Whole blocks of empty flats owned by foreign investors in that area.


looking at the mess and squalor that these peoples choose to create and live in, I wouldn't give them a shed. never mind taking over and destroying someone elses house. this will test the likes of silly allen and knob Geldof see how true to their word they are

Edited by Lenmcharristar
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