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Starting From Scratch!

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Afternoon all!


I've been researching and reading about hunting for a while. Recently went to visit a mate in the States and got sucked into taking the steps to start hunting due to his quality of meat in his freezer from recent trips and a trip to the range with his rifles.


I've enjoyed shooting over the years wstarting with the Army Cadets, where I became a rifle coach for 2 years. Since then I've been to ranges in the US a few times.


I'm starting from scratch. I would like to hunt for Wild Boar and Deer in East Sussex, specifically for butchering and storing the meat but need to know how this works. It seems it can be expensive unless you have agreed access to land but I would like have all the info to help decide how best to do this.


Any advice appreciated. I'm sure this advice has been asked for a million times, so if there's any posts that have all this info let me know!


Good to be onboard and looking forward to get started.



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Welcome aboard Jethro :thumbs:


You'll have to excuse me if I'm telling you something that you already know mate but, hunting here is very different to the US :yes:


All land is owned by someone and, you'll need an Fac before buying suitable kit.

Even then it can be difficult to gain hunting ground.


Good luck with your endeavour :thumbs:

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