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Summer Hunter

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good night last night bit a clearnece for a farmer i no pups did very well left 3 at a gate at the start of the night would of been a big bag of some of the fields were cut as we werw just lamping paddocks and dident get out untill 12 ish light around half 3-4 looking forwad to the coneing season with these two well done pups


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Nice one might do a bit at weekend myself grounds soft and a bit cooler keepers said the place is moving

cheers bud yep had plenty rain here and been wind think if it was a winters night last nigght and could of set off earlier 40-45 wouldent of been a problem as was driveing around alot but ow well still a half decent bag
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good night last night bit a clearnece for a farmer i no pups did very well left 3 at a gate at the start of the night would of been a big bag of some of the fields were cut as we werw just lamping paddocks and dident get out untill 12 ish light around half 3-4 looking forwad to the coneing season with these two well done pups

come nov , you saying got to travel, as not many rabbits by me, leave let them breed a bit , if a farmer wants few thinned out , just shoot few with your gun , that way you still keeping the farmer happy and he know your still out there getting few . some areas hold lot of rabbits , around there dont , ! theres few but not over run with them .!!

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its just a one off night coverd a big area 75% of fields are long dident touch land on my door step that will be for the season this is just sheep fields dident plan on killing a bag full but the rabbits were there and so were the dogs 30 rabbits is not going to do much damage as i said coverd a few areas but i see were your comeing from i just dont like to pass up nights like that dog have been bored just walkig for the last few mobths

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I used to do the odd bit years back but I don't really bother much this time of year the farmer on my permission keeps asking me to go up there so I just pop up flick the lamp by the farm and tell him I've had a few keeps them happy FairPlay if u can do it ?

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its just a one off night coverd a big area 75% of fields are long dident touch land on my door step that will be for the season this is just sheep fields dident plan on killing a bag full but the rabbits were there and so were the dogs 30 rabbits is not going to do much damage as i said coverd a few areas but i see were your comeing from i just dont like to pass up nights like that dog have been bored just walkig for the last few mobths

you dont have to explain yourself mate

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