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ferreting on sunday


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well sunday saw us out on the moor and it was freezing cold with a white frost which had the ground hard as iron :blink: FEW PICTURES FROM THE SESSION HARDLY ANY RABBITS BOLTED TODAY FOR SOME REASON AND BEFORE ANY ONE SAYS BE MORE QUIET :D = ill just say iv done a bit of ferreting i my time and these rabbits wouldnt play and would rather face the ferrets :o bad mistake, the view picturesque setting :D






fox hunter with the final tally of 47 hard earned rabbits


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Guest Magwitch

Last weekend i was out ferreting and it was blowing a gale and p*ssing down and the rabbits were bolting all day long but the weekend just gone the condition's were prefect and but the rabbit's just didn't want to vacate the way it goes i suppose. good bag anyway Woodga and the scenery makes up for all that digging :thumbs:

Edited by Magwitch
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COLD ............that is an understatement , BLOODY FREEZING more like it , I dont think it got over -2C all day.We still had a great day in beautiful surroundings , with both terrier and lurcher catching rabbits as well as the ferrets bolting a few. Woodga the human JCB had a lot of digging to do :moil:


Heres a few more pics I took !









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COLD ............that is an understatement , BLOODY FREEZING more like it , I dont think it got over -2C all day.We still had a great day in beautiful surroundings , with both terrier and lurcher catching rabbits as well as the ferrets bolting a few. Woodga the human JCB had a lot of digging to do :moil:


Heres a few more pics I took !









Great scenery, pics and catch. can't remember digging through frost for a while!

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  woodga said:
well sunday saw us out on the moor and it was freezing cold with a white frost which had the ground hard as iron :blink: FEW PICTURES FROM THE SESSION HARDLY ANY RABBITS BOLTED TODAY FOR SOME REASON AND BEFORE ANY ONE SAYS BE MORE QUIET :D = ill just say iv done a bit of ferreting i my time and these rabbits wouldnt play and would rather face the ferrets :o bad mistake, the view picturesque setting :D






fox hunter with the final tally of 47 hard earned rabbits


A cracking day mate well done.

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