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Massage, lead work only, Portamag if you have one. Is the damage a strain or a tear? Fortnight treatment for a strain then she should be OK, 5-6 weeks for a torn muscle. Massage with Tensolvet or other suitable embrocation: what you are doing is stimulating blood flow to the area, and loosening tense/knotted muscle fibres..... don't do it too hard unless you a trained physiotherapist as you can do more damage than good if you don't know what you are doing.

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thanks sky cat


yes i have portamag and a ultrasound machine


not sure if its been a tear or strain , but shes been carrying this injury for a few weeks now, had several people look at her and only one person picked up on it , one bloke even diagnosed a hairline fracture in the hock ? how he came up with that one , i have no idea

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If she's had the injury for a few weeks then its unlikely to just be a strain or it would have probably righted itself by now: I'm afraid your'e going to have to play it safe and treat it as a tear or risk her going lame again in a fortnight if you run her. Typical: right in the middle of the season!

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