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Never seen one, I'm in Scotland. Roe are plague proportions here. Reds are everywhere in highlands. Both species cause endless amounts of road accidents. Especially at night.

If there was ever another outbreak of foot and mouth disease, how could the disease be controlled ? It would be impossible. The virus would be carried all over the country by deer. Government must get to grips with soaring deer numbers and organise a major cull.

Or just lads take care of the numbers on permission off land owners and not cost a penny. Country always do it get things out of control and organise a major cull. If they didn't ban things they no little about there wouldn't be as much excess wildlife causing damage and accidents.


Fair point. Same with badgers. If farmers were allowed to deal with them there wouldn't be a problem of TB in cattle.


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City muntie....

Abit off the subject of lurchers but thought I'd just post this photo as I know some aren't lucky enough to see scenes like this, there is a lot of muntjac around here but on three different occasions

Munties are everywhere,i have seen them in London,i have seen them in places they aren't even supposed to be,they pop up in the most unexpected of places just like urban fox,i am trying to put a cryst

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Never seen one, I'm in Scotland. Roe are plague proportions here. Reds are everywhere in highlands. Both species cause endless amounts of road accidents. Especially at night.

If there was ever another outbreak of foot and mouth disease, how could the disease be controlled ? It would be impossible. The virus would be carried all over the country by deer. Government must get to grips with soaring deer numbers and organise a major cull.

Or just lads take care of the numbers on permission off land owners and not cost a penny. Country always do it get things out of control and organise a major cull. If they didn't ban things they no little about there wouldn't be as much excess wildlife causing damage and accidents.


Fair point. Same with badgers. If farmers were allowed to deal with them there wouldn't be a problem of TB in cattle.

True mate 100%.
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Where I live u got to travel around an hour, to see a deer. Mostly fallow and roe.

I saw a dead munty no more than 3 minutes from my house, picked it up, no dog or shot wounds it had been hit.

Really suppriaed me as I live in a very built up town.

Hope it's signs of things to come.

Also the big beasts are heading my way closer every year as well over mountains.

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I saw a dead munty no more than 3 minutes from my house, picked it up, no dog or shot wounds it had been hit.

Really suppriaed me as I live in a very built up town.

They are in built up areas mate,i have seen them in greater London.

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Yeah I have seen munties in London gardens too. They have the ability not to panic like other deer do and just vanish I to the tiniest bit of cover this strategy works perfectly in built up areas. I will put some pictures up if I can

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