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RIP to those murdered and speedy recovery to the injured. Enough is Enough, none of this should be happening None of it should be allowed to Happen. The security services need to take control f**k the

And this is why my missus drove my middle daughter to Brighton today so she didnt have to go to London to get a train back to uni ... thank fukc I insisted on It ........

In my opinion this is where we continue to completely come undone as a society.....I dont know Desertbred,i dont know sunni shia or any other f****r im not interested in what he/they have to say....im

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  On 04/06/2017 at 22:24, mC HULL said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:18, Francie said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:08, mC HULL said:

will both agree islam is an evil ideologie

but there's the same story's in the Koran and bible with God doing it in one and allah in the other just one was written by a sex pest

There not honestly, go check it out for yourself, dont take my word for it

I've read a good bit of all of them I read back

some what u said come across wrong a christians god is not allah bible pre dates that but the koran muslims believe in christians god but call him allah muhammad took bits of the bible and added it to his twisted thoughts and his barbaric murderous ways

instead of peace he preached hatred jesus helped had mercy muhammad beheaded raped

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  On 04/06/2017 at 22:42, mC HULL said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:24, mC HULL said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:18, Francie said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:08, mC HULL said:

will both agree islam is an evil ideologie

but there's the same story's in the Koran and bible with God doing it in one and allah in the other just one was written by a sex pest

There not honestly, go check it out for yourself, dont take my word for it
I've read a good bit of all of them I read back

some what u said come across wrong a christians god is not allah bible pre dates that but the koran muslims believe in christians god but call him allah muhammad took bits of the bible and added it to his twisted thoughts and his barbaric murderous ways

instead of peace he preached hatred jesus helped had mercy muhammad beheaded raped
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  On 04/06/2017 at 22:21, mC HULL said:

the bible doesn't talk about a 6 year old cleaning seaman of a 50 odd year old rope Fter he has rubbed his self off between her legs

jesus never looked at a baby crawling and say I'll marry her in a few years if I'm alive

jesus never killed people and marred his wife that night

jesus never took child sex slaves

the Koran is not just a book people read muslims take it as gospel it's more a cult than a religion

Re-read what I posted. Especially the bottom line. They're both works of fiction.


You've read both of them. So have I. It's like Depp's Pirate Code... More like guidelines...

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  On 04/06/2017 at 22:56, ChrisJones said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:21, mC HULL said:

the bible doesn't talk about a 6 year old cleaning seaman of a 50 odd year old rope Fter he has rubbed his self off between her legsjesus never looked at a baby crawling and say I'll marry her in a few years if I'm alivejesus never killed people and marred his wife that nightjesus never took child sex slavesthe Koran is not just a book people read muslims take it as gospel it's more a cult than a religion

Re-read what I posted. Especially the bottom line. They're both works of fiction.You've read both of them. So have I. It's like Depp's Pirate Code... More like guidelines...
I'm not religious the bible is like guidelines

jesus spread peace really died to promote it

muhammad spread hate wanted everyone muslim killed people to try achieve it

muslims live there life by it try emulate it

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  On 04/06/2017 at 22:56, ChrisJones said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 22:21, mC HULL said:

the bible doesn't talk about a 6 year old cleaning seaman of a 50 odd year old rope Fter he has rubbed his self off between her legs

jesus never looked at a baby crawling and say I'll marry her in a few years if I'm alive

jesus never killed people and marred his wife that night

jesus never took child sex slaves

the Koran is not just a book people read muslims take it as gospel it's more a cult than a religion

Re-read what I posted. Especially the bottom line. They're both works of fiction.


You've read both of them. So have I. It's like Depp's Pirate Code... More like guidelines...

Chris your a smart man, from what i gather on here, thats how i know you never read the bible front to back, cause you wouldnt have put up them posts earlier.

You cant pull the wool over my eyes pal.

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  On 04/06/2017 at 16:13, gnasher16 said:

In my opinion this is where we continue to completely come undone as a society.....I dont know Desertbred,i dont know sunni shia or any other f****r im not interested in what he/they have to say....im not interested in their problems,their grievances,their book all i care about is my own people.....the more we as Englishmen invest in learning about people who are our polar opposites the more we will start to understand and accept them.....im a West Ham fan im not going to seek out Milllwall fans to listen to their opinions on football its time we accepted that we have nothing in common with these people and we owe them nothing just because they don't have the pride to live in their countries of origin and have deserted them doesnt make them our responsibility f**k them integrating i don't want them to integrate with us i just want them to go away and leave us alone let's keep things simple.


I suggest people go on the Bnp website and have a look at their 10 point plan to counter Islamist terror.....and see if you disagree with any one of their points......common sense does still exist when your not afraid of being labelled.

I have no interest in your skin head football hooligan boot boy pound shop philosophy , bnp my arse

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  On 04/06/2017 at 23:24, Francie said:

Chris your a smart man, from what i gather on here, thats how i know you never read the bible front to back, cause you wouldnt have put up them posts earlier.

You cant pull the wool over my eyes pal.

I'm going to leave it here because we've derailed a perfectly good thread for personal sport.


I appreciate the sentiment above, but it's not accurate. It's not the first time you've made a few mistakes, yourself. ;)


I've read it back to front, front to back, and I've taken chunks and analysed it and all because of where I live and who I have to interact with. It's part of being engaged politically and understanding my local representatives who are working in my community. TMI for here, but these books have a negative effect on my community and are standing in the way of progress. I don't need to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, mate, the literature stands (or rather doesn't) for itself. :thumbs:

Edited by ChrisJones
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  On 04/06/2017 at 17:47, gnasher16 said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 17:38, riohog said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 17:34, W. Katchum said:


  On 04/06/2017 at 17:29, riohog said:

made me think ,, if for example there was a attack in my street say i ran out like a werling derbisher ripped into him with an axe and killed him . .when would i expect to get out of prison after being charged with murder.and a racist attack?

Would you honestly care? You will have done right thing an be able too look at yaself an family in face.
but the goverernment and police are telling me to run and hide .. thats there recomendation if there is a terroist attack
" We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be,we shall never surrender "

Sir Winston Churchill - June 4th 1940

" Run,hide,tell "

Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley - June 4th 2017

How times have changed !

Run, hide, tell, what is this shit, sounds like he's advising a defenceless child how to react to a nonce, they'll be making shoes to fit white mens knees before much longer
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Well well well lads.....how many times did I say Qatar funded ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi doesn't like those two but prefer their more moderate (LOL!) AQ or Al Nusra as they are now known. Unfortunately not one person in the MSM seems to be able to get this story right....they're funding Iranian 'terrorists' ha ha ha!


If you read it in the MSM you only get 25-50% of a true story but you can find better..quite honestly the Independent and even the Guardian are fairly decent when it comes to this subject.




P.S Qatar were being used by various groups in the West and other places and are probably being scapegoated now.

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