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Whats Going On In London?

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just heard that one of the scumbags involved in the manchester attack had been living in the rathmines area in dublin ireland.and by all accounts ireland had the most returning fighters from over seas holy wars last yr.the new taoisch would want to get the finger out asap.

Edited by stonewall
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RIP to those murdered and speedy recovery to the injured. Enough is Enough, none of this should be happening None of it should be allowed to Happen. The security services need to take control f**k the

And this is why my missus drove my middle daughter to Brighton today so she didnt have to go to London to get a train back to uni ... thank fukc I insisted on It ........

In my opinion this is where we continue to completely come undone as a society.....I dont know Desertbred,i dont know sunni shia or any other f****r im not interested in what he/they have to say....im

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  On 05/06/2017 at 14:53, Born Hunter said:

I couldn't agree more, Chris. It's a fair point that the LibDem leader made in the debates that the Police and intelligence services shouldn't be given more power, they should be given more resource. So I am sympathetic with what BGD is saying but at the same time, these cuts aren't driven by a desire to see terrorism thrive, it's the need to eliminate the budget deficit!


And of course none of this is treating the cause.... The prevent part of CONTEST needs a rethink!


I can accept that. My issue stemmed from when they did have the money and the resource but squandered it. I don't think for a moment that the cuts were a desire to see the system fail, but I think you might have just started a new conspiracy movement! :laugh:


I honestly don't think this is going to get any better until we leave the gulf. The outrage we're witnessing in Britain is understandably justified but it's simply mirroring the outrage in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, where our representatives are hitting their civilian population whilst trying to take out legitimate objectives. With some of the comments on this forum, alone, regarding death squads, and forced repatriation, is it any stretch of the imagination how certain sections can be radicalized by a continuing string of atrocities? Talking of taking to streets for retribution? It's what they've been doing for the last 15 years and it's gradually spread west. Someone has to be the bigger one and stop the killing. Admitting we f****d up when we followed George, and Tony, would be a start but I don't see that happening while we're living under an oligarchy.


The police need more resources to a point, but society also has to evolve and realise that unless they demand change. Demand a stop to these unending foreign wars. That these situations are going to become part of daily life. We can throw trillions at the problem but we're simply treating the symptoms rather than curing the disease.

Edited by ChrisJones
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The difrence about intelligence and evidence bullshit the coppers don't need much evidence or intelligence to boot yer door in if your white , and that's for trivial things compared to this..... Ffs they were raping weans in Rochdale fur 10 year an there was plenty intelligence and evidence eh the evidence is there it's oor government not got the ducking intelligence or baws to do anything with it ffs

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  On 05/06/2017 at 15:06, ChrisJones said:


  On 05/06/2017 at 14:53, Born Hunter said:



I can accept that. My issue stemmed from when they did have the money and the resource but squandered it. I don't think for a moment that the cuts were a desire to see the system fail, but I think you might have just started a new conspiracy movement! :laugh:


I honestly don't think this is going to get any better until we leave the gulf. The outrage we're witnessing in Britain is understandably justified but it's simply mirroring the outrage in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, where our representatives are hitting their civilian population whilst trying to take out legitimate objectives. With some of the comments on this forum, alone, regarding death squads, and forced repatriation, is it any stretch of the imagination how certain sections can be radicalized by a continuing string of atrocities? Talking of taking to streets for retribution? It's what they've been doing for the last 15 years and it's gradually spread west. Someone has to be the bigger one and stop the killing. Admitting we f****d up when we followed George, and Tony, would be a start but I don't see that happening while we're living under an oligarchy.


The police need more resources to a point, but society also has to evolve and realise that unless they demand change. Demand a stop to these unending foreign wars. That these situations are going to become part of daily life. We can throw trillions at the problem but we're simply treating the symptoms rather than curing the disease.



That'd be an alternate approach to the 'prevent' I was talking about. I'm not quite sure I'd term myself a 'non-interventionist' but the regime change foreign policy that has been pursued over the past 20 years has certainly been foolhardy. The place is of strategic importance to us, until we (the West) give up the top spot or move away from oil dependence it'll remain that way. A bit more caution moving forward wouldn't do us any harm mind.

Edited by Born Hunter
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  On 05/06/2017 at 15:16, Born Hunter said:

That'd be an alternate approach to the 'prevent' I was talking about. I'm not quite sure I'd term myself a 'non-interventionist' but the regime change foreign policy that has been pursued over the past 20 years has certainly been foolhardy. The place is of strategic importance to us, until we (the West) give up the top spot or move away from oil dependence it'll remain that way. A bit more caution moving forward wouldn't do us any harm mind.

Agreed, mate. I think the prevent ship has sailed. It should be now bolster defenses and work on damage limitation.

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  On 05/06/2017 at 10:42, walshie said:


  On 05/06/2017 at 07:56, Accip74 said:


  On 05/06/2017 at 07:09, walshie said:

Run, Hide, Tell. Sends shivers of shame down my spine. That's not what being British means to me.

What would your advice be to men/women/families caught up in a marauding terrorist attack facing knives, guns or perhaps explosives?



O.K. If we want to play the pedantry game, being advised to run, hide and tell really grates and is not what I was brought up to believe in. It's like saying this is how it's going to be, get used to it.


its better to die on your feet fighting as a british man, than to live on our knees under an Islamic state

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  On 05/06/2017 at 15:19, W. Katchum said:

Lets all blame may an the torys, the cops are mpaning about being undercut yet go shine a lamp or run a hare an the fcukers will appear, maybe the cops should proiritise there time an start protecting us like they are paid to do. Far too easy to lay blame elsewhere, when in truth each an every one of us is too blame for accepting it


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Give the cops a unlimited budget and they'd all have jet skis even in the land locked counties ....maybe a few less on traffic and a few more on terrorism would be a start!

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  On 05/06/2017 at 15:41, tilimangro said:

If this is about our involvement in Other countries why isn't it happening in the usa

Because all the cops in America are armed and the citizens of America have the right to bear arms so their not such a soft target as us sheep .......

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  On 05/06/2017 at 15:32, kanny said:

Give the cops a unlimited budget and they'd all have jet skis even in the land locked counties ....maybe a few less on traffic and a few more on terrorism would be a start!


Agreed the idea this has anything to do with cuts is utterly ludicrous I am shocked to see people falling for this tripe. We've seen the response from anti terrorist and armed police units in Manchester and London and there is little more they could have done with more resources.


Next up someone will say it's a lack of funding to MI6 and MI5....is anyone honestly going to fall for that? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


Snowden even said the NSA was jealous of the powers MI5 had in their taping and data mining capabilities.


The answer to this problem is far more simple than throwing money around like confetti

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Has the need for intelligence gathering gone so far its now having a negative effect is and now putting public in danger? ...I think its obvious they don't mind some of these people being here so they can gather info but is it working? wouldnt it be better just to not have them here period! :hmm:

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  On 05/06/2017 at 15:55, kanny said:

Has the need for intelligence gathering gone so far its now having a negative effect is and now putting public in danger? ...I think its obvious they don't mind some of these people being here so they can gather info but is it working? wouldnt it be better just to not have them here period! :hmm:

totally beyond my comprehension why known issis sympethisers are aloud to stay in this country utter maddness .they are a threat to our national sdecurity remove them quick time..

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  On 05/06/2017 at 16:02, riohog said:


  On 05/06/2017 at 15:55, kanny said:

Has the need for intelligence gathering gone so far its now having a negative effect is and now putting public in danger? ...I think its obvious they don't mind some of these people being here so they can gather info but is it working? wouldnt it be better just to not have them here period! :hmm:

totally beyond my comprehension why known issis sympethisers are aloud to stay in this country utter maddness .they are a threat to our national security remove them quick time..


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