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Trip To America

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A mate and I are off to America early November, flying into Dallas then driving up to Hot Springs in Arkansas to go hunting. Then spending about 10 days driving from there to LA.


Anyone on here recommend places to stop (Hotels/Motels or sights that shouldn't be missed along the way). We'll probably be mainly driving the I40 across country.


Anyone know of any hunting along the route that might be available? looking online, you have to pay a fortune to shoot a 'Trophy animal' but there's pest control done all over the country. Must be chances somewhere to tag along on a hunt??

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Yeah mush,Dan was my first thought,i would also get on a couple of American hunting forums and put out feelers and get a few links,why not look at one of those pig hunting hogs-with-dogs ranches in Texas,couple of hundred quid for a decent pig hunt isn't going to break the bank




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The Americans on here always seem incredibly hospitable,one was even offering his spare room,rent free on the lurcher section.


Quite often you see them inviting people over,wouldn't surprise me if you get an offer on this thread.

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I live a couple hours from Dallas. Would be easy for me to take you to run some pigs down with some wolfhound mastiff crossed dogs but your coming at the beginning of our deer season. I can't have any quests during deer season.

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Illinois looks a bloody long way from Dallas! Bit of a shitter as we were going to fly to Chicago first but thought better of it as Dallas is closer.

Bearinator, that would be great if you could. We land on Tuesday 31st October. The plan had been to be in arkansas for the 1-4th for bear hunting but the guy that was taking us died two weeks ago bless him so our plans have changed. Still planning on going to arkansas to visit friends but other than that as long as we're at LAX by the 13th we have no other plans (apart from drinking and sight seeing)

Black streak, if you need a hand with the deer then just shout :lol:or perhaps just meet up for a beer and a chin wag?

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Find a US hunting forum and offer a trade, I did it when i went to NZ and was hooked up with some brilliant hunting and fishing by the guys there. I'd have them over in a heart beat but they seem happy where they are lol

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