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We just had some fields topped and immediately a buzzard was flying overhead looking for anything stirred up. It swooped down on something and seemed to be enjoying his meal, when 2 crows started circling him and dive-bombing. He ignored them for half a minute then gave up his meal and flew off. The crows landed and ate whatever it was.


I wouldn't have thought a buzzard wouldn't be bothered by a couple of crows. Are they all like that of is he just young/bit of a sissy?

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Crows will mob ANY bird of prey from merlins to eagles but need the high ground to do so .Birds of prey rarely engage in conflict as a damaged bird is a dead bird .

Walshie sent me a link to the buzzard he seen .......   https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sparrow&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijnojMi5_UAhXMKcAKHSxQDLcQ_AUICSg

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Blackbird_%28male%29.jpgYeah here's pic of the crow

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Ive seen a crow chase a dog fox of a dead rabbit corvids are one of the most intelligent scavengers, they dont fear much ,they account for a massive number of new born chicks. Get a close look into their eyes and you realise what dinosaurs evolved into.

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Ive seen a crow chase a dog fox of a dead rabbit corvids are one of the most intelligent scavengers, they dont fear much ,they account for a massive number of new born chicks. Get a close look into their eyes and you realise what dinosaurs evolved into.

I throw my odds and ends of my pack up out for the birds at work and there's a crow comes everyday exactly at the same time and the clever thing can't carry everything in one go so it runs about hiding it all :yes: crows get a lot of stick but they are fascinating birds :thumbs:

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Ive seen a crow chase a dog fox of a dead rabbit corvids are one of the most intelligent scavengers, they dont fear much ,they account for a massive number of new born chicks. Get a close look into their eyes and you realise what dinosaurs evolved into.

I throw my odds and ends of my pack up out for the birds at work and there's a crow comes everyday exactly at the same time and the clever thing can't carry everything in one go so it runs about hiding it all :yes: crows get a lot of stick but they are fascinating birds :thumbs:

Don't they remember faces aswell. So if your bad to one it will remember you for years

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Ive seen a crow chase a dog fox of a dead rabbit corvids are one of the most intelligent scavengers, they dont fear much ,they account for a massive number of new born chicks. Get a close look into their eyes and you realise what dinosaurs evolved into.

I throw my odds and ends of my pack up out for the birds at work and there's a crow comes everyday exactly at the same time and the clever thing can't carry everything in one go so it runs about hiding it all :yes: crows get a lot of stick but they are fascinating birds :thumbs:
Don't they remember faces aswell. So if your bad to one it will remember you for years
That's right there was a bloke netting them around a church i think to study them but as soon as he showed up they Sussed him out and fekt of so he had to wear masks
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Crows are bloody successful birds


We have a huge roost in the dell they're a pain in the arse but most people here don't want to do anything about them lol

Got a roost in the wood opposite me. At dawn, in the winter months especially, when they leave the roost it's absolutely spectacular. The sky is black with them for about ten minutes.., like a scene from Hitchcock's 'The Birds'. Edited by pesky1972
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We get loads of buzzards and kites round here and the crows are always harassing them. Usually in pairs so it is difficult for the birds of prey to retaliate. Also the crows are very clever not to put themselves in a vulnerable position. I think they are more manoeuvrable too. We have a pair of ravens which nest in the valley behind my office and they do the same to kites and buzzards. As you can imagine they leave sharpish as soon as the ravens appear. Ravens are really powerful birds not to be trifled with. I once saw a pair nearly killed a buzzard along cheddar gorge kept forcing it onto the ground and hammering it every time it tried to fly they went after it non stop for over 20 minutes only let it go because a bunch of walkers came along.

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