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Ridgeline Smocks

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Do not get a Ridgeline mate. Not worth a shackle. Ok for sitting out in or on quad. Fully water proof for a couple of month but after a few good tousings they are like a dish cloth. Take days to dry out and stink. As soon as you start walking in one you start sweating and end up soaking wet.Good in the wind but you have to get your under layer spot on. Take no notice of the knacker on YouTube save your cash . Ps the trousers are worse.

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  On 29/05/2017 at 16:39, redquil said:

Do not get a Ridgeline mate. Not worth a shackle. Ok for sitting out in or on quad. Fully water proof for a couple of month but after a few good tousings they are like a dish cloth. Take days to dry out and stink. As soon as you start walking in one you start sweating and end up soaking wet.Good in the wind but you have to get your under layer spot on. Take no notice of the knacker on YouTube save your cash . Ps the trousers are worse.

Thanks, do you have any other brand you prefer?

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If you can afford it go for Swazi , without doubt the dogs what's its .if you want something waterproof and breathable duckdri products are good . I think I've tried the lot and Like redquil said they are alright in a high seat or on a quad but try to do any sort of physical exertion and you will be wetter on the inside than you would be without it on . Swillington shooting supplies do Swazi and I can recommend their customer service, check them out I know they are pricey but you won't regret it .

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Just to second what has already been said.


Don't buy anything ridgeline unkess you enjoy slowly bathing in your own sweat.


Utterly f***ing useless shite. Cold when you need it to be warm, and somebow you still end up all wet on the inside from condensation, and then they are somebow magically hot as f**k when you want them to be cold.


Save your money, buy a roll of heavy duty bin liners. Just as waterproof, just as breathable.

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  On 29/05/2017 at 16:59, Phil Lloyd said:

This coming season,...I shall mostly be wearing,....a Sealand Eton Smock.....


Time will tell... :victory:

used one for two years , walking all sorts of terrain, breathable and waterproof, no complaints from me, well worth the money imho, Paramo do some real nice smocks as well

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  On 30/05/2017 at 08:06, Lamper121 said:

Thanks for all the replies. Maybe a smock is not the sort of thing I need then as ferreting and lamping require a lot of moving and it sounds like I'd be drowning in my own sweat by the end of a session.

smocks are great, try the sealand one or even better look at paramo range theres are class

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Got the Seeland Eton smock myself, haven't had it that long yet, so cant really comment on it.


I wont be wearing mine ferreting though because it will get wrecked crawling under hedges and barb wire etc



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  On 01/06/2017 at 15:43, jok said:

Surely the Army and Navy guys would have the best smocks available so try the A & N stores. Just a thought. Jok.

sadly not there standard gear is usually found lacking , disgraceful though it is

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