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World Strongest Man 2017(Don`t Read If You Want To Watch It On Tv At Christmas)

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don't mean nothing to me then.just who can do the most drugs.not exactly glory to me.

The fact that you thought they could even be anywhere near that level and be natural shows how litter you know about it! I doubt they're worried what you think.


thats why i asked einstein because i don't know.

i bet there having sleepless nights about what i think actually.

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What a result out in Botswana. A new World Strongest Man as of today.   1st Eddie Hall (England)   2nd Thor Bjornsson (Iceland)   3rd Brian Shaw (USA)   He said he`d do it and he did.  

Amen! Not all PED's are illegal. It's down to what works!   If you think that PED's aren't rife in professional sports you're seriously out of the loop! What the British public doesn't know is wh

Bill Werbenick used to take 18 pints and 2 whiskeys to steady his nerves, much more of a feat of endurance in itself than popping a pill or two.



is it all natural.?


About as natural as a woman with a cock!

Regardless it's some achievement, not like the rest are all natural is it? You've got to be enhanced to be at that level!

not if everybody stopped doing steriods/drugs.then you would really see who the strongest man is.

If a person wants to take their body/strength to its genetic potential in either strongman or bodybuilding there are drug free competitions,if they want to take their body/strength beyond its genetic potential theres competitions for that also whats the problem.


Always thought Hall had the raw strength in the static lifts to win it but the events must have fallen his way to beat some of the more mobile guys,good for him i very much doubt he,s even reached his peak man strength yet.

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is it all natural.?

About as natural as a woman with a cock!

Regardless it's some achievement, not like the rest are all natural is it? You've got to be enhanced to be at that level!

not if everybody stopped doing steriods/drugs.then you would really see who the strongest man is.

If a person wants to take their body/strength to its genetic potential in either strongman or bodybuilding there are drug free competitions,if they want to take their body/strength beyond its genetic potential theres competitions for that also whats the problem.


Always thought Hall had the raw strength in the static lifts to win it but the events must have fallen his way to beat some of the more mobile guys,good for him i very much doubt he,s even reached his peak man strength yet.


i just think it would be much more of an achievement if it was all his own work not getting help from a bottle.

who would you respect more,somebody natural dead lifting 370kg or some smack head lifting 500kg.?

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i just think it would be much more of an achievement if it was all his own work not getting help from a bottle.

who would you respect more,somebody natural dead lifting 370kg or some smack head lifting 500kg.?


I respect the achievement of being the best you can be.....but having a winning mentality i respect the achievement of being the best anybody can be just that little bit more.....competition is about doing whatever it takes to win and at the highest level comes the highest commitment......or should sport go backwards,wooden tennis racquets,big heavy football boots etc etc


Everything evolves with time why should competitive sport be any different.

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so do you think all sports men,footballers,sprinters the lot should all take drugs and cheat to become the best.?is it ok victor moses dived to try and win a penalty to win the fa cup.?

cheating is cheating and i'd lose respect for anybody found doing it.thats why they do drug tests in sport to get rid of the cheats.

weight lifting is the only sport where it's allowed.

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I totally understand your stance mate and had similar opinions myself once upon a time..... but its just not like that no more.


Gaining an advantage in sport legal or otherwise is not a new thing and it happens from the ground up........if Victor Moses was still playing for West Ham and got away with it then yes of course i would be delighted......does that make it right no but get real these are the most highly competitive times with the biggest rewards theres ever been in sport it's about far more than what takes place on the pitch/in the ring these days talent alone is not enough.

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you are very wrong to think that sprinters do not take drugs also.known fact to run under 10,s


The same with all high level athletes I'd say,it wouldn't surprise me if pro darts players took something to steady their nerves.


Hopefully one day the testing will catch up and it'll be impossible to get away with.

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you are very wrong to think that sprinters do not take drugs also.known fact to run under 10,s

The same with all high level athletes I'd say,it wouldn't surprise me if pro darts players took something to steady their nerves.


Hopefully one day the testing will catch up and it'll be impossible to get away with.

Darts and snooker players used to take propranolol (a beta blocker) to steady themselves, sure that's moved on and they've got new harder to detect PEDs now.

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I totally understand your stance mate and had similar opinions myself once upon a time..... but its just not like that no more.


Gaining an advantage in sport legal or otherwise is not a new thing and it happens from the ground up........if Victor Moses was still playing for West Ham and got away with it then yes of course i would be delighted......does that make it right no but get real these are the most highly competitive times with the biggest rewards theres ever been in sport it's about far more than what takes place on the pitch/in the ring these days talent alone is not enough.

wonder if mike tyson took steroids , as he was very powerful /strong for his size, he was the same height as me 5 ft 11 1/2 in , but was 29lb heavier than me, and according to my doctor, at my last health check i was spot on with my weight at 13 st for my age . just a thought .!

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I totally understand your stance mate and had similar opinions myself once upon a time..... but its just not like that no more.


Gaining an advantage in sport legal or otherwise is not a new thing and it happens from the ground up........if Victor Moses was still playing for West Ham and got away with it then yes of course i would be delighted......does that make it right no but get real these are the most highly competitive times with the biggest rewards theres ever been in sport it's about far more than what takes place on the pitch/in the ring these days talent alone is not enough.

you admit it's not right so they should ban everybody who tests positive for life.make him look a twat like lance armstrong or soon enough they'll be pumping steroids and speed into school kids just for there sports day.

if your not good enough,your not good enough.regardless of how much you want it.

if victor moses conned a penalty for chelsea that sent west ham down.how would you feel.?i think you'd feel like i do about eddie hall.that it's not right.

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you admit it's not right so they should ban everybody who tests positive for life.make him look a twat like lance armstrong or soon enough they'll be pumping steroids and speed into school kids just for there sports day.

if your not good enough,your not good enough.regardless of how much you want it.

if victor moses conned a penalty for chelsea that sent west ham down.how would you feel.?i think you'd feel like i do about eddie hall.that it's not right.


Ok so what era do you want to take sport back to....wooden tennis rackets ? steak and chips pre match meal ? black plimsolls ? every improvement on those things was a performance enhancer was they all right ? over time they was all accepted as peds will be your swimming against the tide if you think the evolution of sport is going to stop because of social tolerance..... just be grateful that if strength sports is your thing organisations still exist to compete with your moral compass intact.

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you admit it's not right so they should ban everybody who tests positive for life.make him look a twat like lance armstrong or soon enough they'll be pumping steroids and speed into school kids just for there sports day.

if your not good enough,your not good enough.regardless of how much you want it.

if victor moses conned a penalty for chelsea that sent west ham down.how would you feel.?i think you'd feel like i do about eddie hall.that it's not right.


Ok so what era do you want to take sport back to....wooden tennis rackets ? steak and chips pre match meal ? black plimsolls ? every improvement on those things was a performance enhancer was they all right ? over time they was all accepted as peds will be your swimming against the tide if you think the evolution of sport is going to stop because of social tolerance..... just be grateful that if strength sports is your thing organisations still exist to compete with your moral compass intact.

no gnasher i'm not talking about rackets and stuff i just think if steriods are common place in sports the ACTUAL SKILL of the sport will be lost.take boxing for example, so who's better, the man ducking/diving and dancing around the ring showing all the skill of a proper boxer or the muscle head who just takes your head off with 1 lucky punch.?they'll be no sport if it goes that way.

we won't convince each other otherwise but competitive sports should be clean.

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