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Re Tuning Help And A Few Questions

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hi there guys


the tunung ideas. well i wanted to know what was the best tuning kit im my last POST ON HERE i put down about 5 or so kits as to what one is the best for the hw99s that one. seems more or less straightforward with some fettling and such. but the hw97k is a different beast now you can get it with a metalic sleeve that fits in with the spring i have seen, but also you can get a complete new outter and piston that are highly polished. with the other bits and peices so guys when it comes to tuning what one do i go for. someone said vortek. went on to site its yank and it didnt explain what you got with it and its in dollars can you get these uk side. is it better to get the new piston thats polished. or go for one of the other kits thats got the piston lining and polish stuff yourself,


i can strip them down and smooth n polish the inside carefully, and moly insides and polish the cocking slide and with verry verry fine wet n dry and autosol so its smooth, like glass i know before anyone has a go at me about being verry carefull, as you can screw the gun completley and yes guys 100% keeping in the law. that goes without saying i dont want my stuff confiscating, and me with charges and going to court BUT i do want constant if possible. 11.5 ftlbs for consistancy thats all but definatly not breaking the law, so guys what one do i get with the sleeve without the sleeve for the piston looking at my other post, there is a few of them,


also guys do i need to get the crap out of the barrels as they say they come with stuff inside to stop corrosion so the barrels could be full of crap, made a bore snake out of thick deep sea fishing line with loops on end for cleaning cloths not using any metal as that can damage rifling ok guys CHEERS and happy hunting stay safe :thumbs:



dave leeds :victory:






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